Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Ikhlas Ilallah For The Dai .

Ikhlas Ilallah For The Dai .

Dai is a human being who spirited extraordinary. In the confusion kemodenan load currents of Western civilization, it turns out humans terleka and make progress as a direction to go live. Daie may be likened to people who live in a world of its own, kerana their purpose of life is not for themselves, instead they can afford to sacrifice for the people and surrounding communities. Their hearts are clean that mahukan all good for the community and the world and sacrifice everything to prove sincerity mereka.Mereka understand the word of God: Say, in fact solatku, sacrifice, my life, my death are for God sekelian nature. (Al-An'am: 162) They understand without a sincere, good deeds they are not valuable. They know the good that is fighting without sincerity to no good. Cuisine something dirty to produce something that is sacred. Often exposed in the arena of preaching everywhere if the speaker prefers to be paid, given a thunderous applause and delicious Halwa be heard to be a simple human ear and praise bill soaring. These deeds, for instance dust kerana no sincerity and no change in how much more capable of carrying human nurture. Word of God, "And We reply to whatever deeds they did, and We shall make such deeds (like) a distinguished flying dust." (Al-Furqan: 23) However, the sincerity of the duah often tested kerana bertimpa hit by exam-override. Exams are capable of pounding shake one's persistence daie. For instance the stone on the hill are overwritten rain for years, surely there are slight traces of water hakisan groove deck. There is some evidence that may be used as a stage pengiktibaran to gauge sincerity. (In the quotation from the Proof of sincerity by Yusuf Qaradawi) The evidence that we may see are: 1) Fear of Notoriety Fear of fame and notoriety spread over him, the more so if he is of people who have a certain rank. She needs to believe BHW charity reception at the sight of Allah only with furtive way, ill openly and were exposed. If fame follows a person meets all the space, then there is intention bum who dip themselves, then human slightest fame is dispense with Allah. 2) Accusing Yourself People who Mukhlis sentiasa yourself as a person accused superabundant at the sight of Allah and carry out various krg Dlm kewajipan, incapacitate her to master krn beguiled by a charity and was amazed pd himself. Instead he was afraid if sentiasa ugliness ugliness ill-forgiveness and kindness, goodness afraid ill received. 3) charity The Silence-Mute, Far Dr Coverage Charity who conducted secretly preferred DRP must LBH charity who accompanied coverage and were exposed. He LBH like a shadow who choose to become self-sacrificing soldier, but unknown and non-recognizable. He LBH dr prefer being part of a pilgrim, like tree roots who became an advocate and a channel of life, but non-visible to the eye, hidden in Dlm ground, or like the principle of building. Without the principle, the wall would not have standing, the roof would not have interchangeable building used as shelter and hors de upheld. But he looks ill, like a wall which is clearly visible. Dlm Syauqy said in his poem: Hidden Platform reply Not seen eyes humbly krn The building which towered On it was built magnificent
In this portion Prev tlh presented Mu'adh Hadith, "Verily, Allah menyintai people who do good, pious and charitable hide, namely if they are absent unknown. Their hearts are lamps instructions. They come out every place yg dr dark. " 4) Not required Not Drowning By Praise And Praise Not asking praise the people who love to praise and defiantly get it aspires. If someone praised him, then he is deluded about the nature of her ill in hdpn people who praised him, he mmg krn rahsia LBH know about heart and her DRP others who may be deceived and ill find out his inner appearance. 5) Not stingy Compliment Against Persons Eligible Yg MMG Praised Not stingy giving praise mmg KPD other people who deserve praise and flatter those who deserve mmg flattered. There were two disasters which would arise: First, give compliments and flattery KPD people who have no business. Second, give praise KPD stingy person deserves. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam prnh praised collection of his companions, mention their virtues and advantages, such as word about Abu Bakar Baginda who intend: "If I could take a lover besides my Rabb, nescaya I take Abu Bakr as my beloved. But he is a brother and friend. " Word Majesty KPD Umar: "If thou through a street, of course the devil is going through another road." Word Majesty KPD Uthman: "Verily he is the person who the angels feel ashamed of himself." Word of the Prophet to Ali: "In my eyes you like Aaron standing in the eyes of Moses." Word of the Messenger of Khalid ibn al-Walid: "He is one of the DRP the swords of Allah." Word of the Prophet to Abu Ubaidah: "He is the belief of this people." It may be someone non-mahu give praise KPD person to be commended, there are purposeful krn Dlm himself, or jealousy krn recondite, such as fear of interference in its officials, or compete with his position. Krn incapacitate him also to throw taunts, then at least he's just keeping quiet and no need flattering. 6) To do proper Dlm Leads People who Mukhlis krn God will do when it should be a leader in the ranks terhadapan and ttp patriotic when it is most blkg, while Dlm two keredhaan these circumstances he was looking for God. His heart is non-controlled pleasure to perform, control line and leadership positions Dlm strategy. But he LBH kemashlahatan concerned with krn afraid there kewajipan and demands of leadership which he missed. 7) Looking for Keredhaan God, Man Keredhaan BKN Not considering the human keredhaan if on the contrary that there is wrath of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. Following every people among each other Dlm berbeza attitude, feeling, thinking, trends, objectives and beaten path. Trying to make them Redha is a brimless, the purpose of which is difficult to know and the demands of non-fulfilled. In the event is a poet said: Occasionally someone Creating so many busy people Redha Now how far a distance which extends In Tgh lust demands 8) Making Keredhaan And Anger Since the God, BKN Since the interests Peribadi Love and anger, giving and detention, keredhaan and wrath must be krn Allah and his religion, BKN krn peribadi considerations and interests, such as non-opportunistic hypocrites who denounced Allah in His book: "And among them there are about denunciatory mu (pembahagian) charity. If they are given sebahagian drpnya, they have hearts, and if they are ill are sebahagian drpnya, with their necessarily become angry. "(At-Tauba: 58) 9) Patience Along the Way Travel the long, slow results obtained, the triumph which is delayed, the difficulty Dlm mingle with various layers of human beings with feelings and inclinations distinction, making off-the lazy, negligent act, resignation, or stop at Tgh road. BKN do just follows him to a triumph or victory, but who plagi keredhaan principal goal is to Allah and obey His commandments. Noah 'upon whom be peace, leaders of the Anbia', living in Tgh his people for 950 years. He was preaching and bertabligh, but very few who believe KPD he mahu. Though various ways propaganda is taken, the time and also various ways of preaching, as distinguished spoken by God through his words: "O my Rabb, I tlh call my people night and day, then my call only increases their run (dr truth). And in fact every time I call them (KPD faith) so you forgive them, they include children dip their fingers and closed his ears his shirt (to face) and they remain (denied) and too arrogant. "(Nuh: 5-7) 10) If There's good taste Yg Registration Feel happy if there is someone who has the ability, to join their ranks yg mahu Dlm charity, to enforce obedience Dlm flag or join charity. This should be accompanied with efforts to provide opportunities kpdnya, so he took the place of a distinguished interchangeable in accordance with his position. He ill be feeling disturbed, hampered, envy or even anxious krn presence. In fact if the person Mukhlis see there are others who distinguished himself LBH both DRP mahu assume its responsibilities, so he gladly akn backwards, giving him responsibility KPD and handed him feel happy kpdnya department. 11) Greedy Yg Against Charitable Work Among the evidence of sincerity is the most voracious of diredhai charity of God, and BKN most diredhai by himself. So that the person concerned with charities who Mukhlis LBH LBH LBH many benefits and profound influence, without infiltrated the passions and pleasures herself. He likes to do fast and pray Duha nafilah. But even if his time was spent to reconcile those who center in fighting, that's precisely who dipentingkannya LBH. In an Hadith is mentioned: "Know, will be preached to me about something kpdmu main LBH DRP darjat fasting, prayer and alms. Namely peace among fellow human beings. Kerosakan following among fellow amnusia are cutting. "(Reported by Imam Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi, Hadith saheeh) He got joy in my heart and joy in life if allowed to carry out Dlm pd every Ramadan Umrah and Haj seasons pd. But kpdnya said, "just wang it Donates to our brothers in the Palestinian or center in Bosnia or Kashmir who had been swept away." If his non-field and refused, then he's like what I said to al-Ghazali as a person who cheated. 12) Avoid ujub Among the signs of perfection is non-merosak sincere charity with ujub, feel happy and satisfied with the charity yg tlh do. Attitudes like this collapsible blind eyes to see the cracks which appear at any time. What should be done by someone Mu'min timeout carry out a charity is afraid if he tlh negligence, disedari mahupun disedari ill. That is why he is afraid if his deeds ill received. Allah says: "Verily Allah only accepts (the victim) who devoted their dr." (Al-Maidah: 27) 13) Warning For Self Cleaning Al-Quran tlh dr warned to clean up the praise and adulation upon him, as His Word: "He LBH know about (the situation) you, when He created you dr ground and when you were your mother Dlm fetal stomach. So do not tell yourself you're a saint. He is most knowing about pious person. "(An-Najm: 32) Allah denounced the Jews and the Christians who consider themselves holy. His words which mean: "Are you ill person who considers himself look clean? Actually God cleanse sesiapa who wills and their non-abused one bit. "(An-Nisa: 49) This happens krn they say, like who described God who intends: "We are children of God and His keksih-lover." (Al-Maidah: 18) Their words is refuted with his words which mean: "But you are human (regular) among the people who created them. He forgives whom He sesiapa reply and reply menyeksa whom He wills. And Allah kepunyaanl kingdom between them, and to Allah was the return (of all things). "(Al-Maidah: 18) People who do something charitable pious tlh, off-the charity exhibited, unless the Lord to deliver His blessings: "And to favor your Lord, then let you mention it (with gratitude)." (Ad-Duha: 11) In addition, he aims to provoke others to follow. Majesty of the Word who intends: "Whoever makes a good sunnah, the sunnah that he got a reward and reward people who do it." (Reported by Imam Muslim) Allowed also aims to defend themselves if there were allegations of missile krn kpdnya, when he was ill-concerned has to do with these allegations, or there may be other causes. All of that allowed bg person has strong inner krn krn Allah alone and not the purpose of faddy and non-classified pd ujub, aims to find flattering dr ill of others and obtain positions in the community. But people who are free dr JRG this purpose. Muslims must be vigilant, jgn until ujub of self, kindness and keshalihan krn yg doing, or the belief that free lucky he only center in the other losers, or he and jamaahnyalah who deserve to be called al-an-najiyyah firqah (class of survivors) sdgkan rosak all Muslims, or only they who deserve to be called Taifah Mansurah (the group who got help) sdgkan else is left. Views on yourself like this is a distinguished ujub merosak, and the views of Islamic people like it is opprobrious abuse. It turned out really what dinukilkan by Yusuf Qaradawi as above. Keep them on top of this road, every grain of his words for instance words soft and hard ejection that hit us. Together we corrected ourselves and tsabat fighting for God. Allaah nature.

Sin Without Taubat Heart Will Black

Sin Without Taubat Heart Will Black
HEART is the most important organ in the human body and the most glorious blessings given by God. Heart becomes the place of God make an assessment of his servant. On careful lies one's intention. A sincere intention will be rewarded by God.
Hearts need to be kept and maintained properly so as not rosak, sick, blind, hard and even more did not die. Had such circumstances prevailing at the heart of this, his impression is involve the whole body human body. So, will the people born berpunca from liver disease who have rosak it.
Indeed, the liver is a mandate that must be maintained as we are mandated to protect the eyes, ears, mouth, feet, hands and so rather than commit sin and immorality.
Black heart is the heart of a dark kerana sin. Every one sins committed without repentance that will cause a black spot on the liver. That's just one sin. So imagine how well that ten sin? One hundred and sin? A thousand sins? What a dirty black and liver at the time.
Case is clearly depicted in the hadith the Prophet meant: "Who does one sin, it will grow on a speck of black heart, if he will repent terkikislah black dots instead of his heart.
If he does not repent, then the black spot will continue to spread until all his heart to be black. "(Hadith narrated Ibn Majah).
This Hadith selari with God's word that meant "Actually, our signs without any defects, even the eyes of their hearts have been diseliputi defilement of sin with kufr and immoral acts because they are doing." (Surah al-Muthaffifiin, paragraph 14).
Dirty black hearts and will be hard. If the hard heart, sweetness and kelazatan worship can not be felt. He will be a barrier to entry nur faith and science. Learn as much as any useful science or science that may guide us, but science is not going to get into the heart, even if we understand, there is no power and our power to practice it.
He said that meant "Then after that, your heart becomes hard as a rock, even harder. In the case between the stones there and flowing rivers that emanated from it, and some of them are cracked and split from it springs out.
"And there is also among the falling down kerana fear of Allah is not God at all-time negligent than what you do." (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 74).
That God sent an example and explained that unlicensed rock that was sometimes allowed to drain the water and allowed to split kerana very afraid of God.
Accordingly, whether the human heart harder than stone to not be receiving instructions and guidance from God.
The case of the most disquiet was when hearts will die a very large extinction Be on humans.
Death of the liver is the major disaster and catastrophe that would discolor the entire lives. This natijahnya if we neglect and insignificant mengubati and cleanse our hearts. Our failure to turn the hearts will be accounted for by Allah in the Hereafter.
The problem now, why hearts die? Hearts were dead due to the following cases:
First: The liver is not functioning die kerana namely not to follow God's command to take iktibar and teaching rather than education and examination of God.
He said meant "So great are the people who crash hard stony heart rather than accept a warning given by God. Those that that is the situation is in manifest error. "(Surah al-Zumar, verse 22).
Second: The liver also die if not given food and nourishment for granted. If body weight may die kerana master not eating and not drinking, that's also the heart.
If he was not given a meal and not diubati, he not only will sick and blind, even going to die eventually.
Spiritual nourishment which it is intended dhikrullah and muhasabah themselves.
Accordingly, the guard, and guard the heart with his best so as not to be a dirty, black, loud, sick, blind and dead. Lustrous and bersihkannya a manner much remembrance of Allah (dhikr).
God's Word mean "namely those who believe and secure their hearts with remembrance of Allah. Know! With the remembrance of Allah is calm tenteramlah human heart. "(Surah al-Ra'd, paragraph 28)
His words again mean "Today is her property and children are unable to provide any relief, except property and children who come to God with a heart who survived prosperous than shirk and hypocrisy." (Surah al-Shura, verses 88-89)
Glorify the 4 things in 4 cases: "Your face with tears awareness, Wet your tongue with remembrance to the Creator, Heart fear and trembling to the greatness of your Lord, .. And the sins of the past in Sulami with repentance to the Essence of Your Own. "
"Convey though one verse" al-Hadith

Between Selfishness and Attitudes Putting Interests of Others

Between Selfishness and Attitudes Putting Interests of Others 

Aired on Friday: 5 Ramadan 1374 (March 7, 1954) Whether humans are selfish person who loves himself and prioritize their self-interest above the interests of others? Or he is the man who put others in comparing himself and put the interests of others than their self-interest? This is a review sheet that spend a lot of psychology studies, the science of morals and sociology. Most experts agree that science almost by nature humans are selfish and unselfish, and he saw the interests of others through self-interest. Some even argue further, that the sacrifices made by someone is no more than a form of egoism which are covered with masks. People who sacrifice themselves in the field struggle to defend sound belief or defend his country, he is doing it to earn merit praise God or man, or also honor the land which he occupied so that he could benefit from the honor of the country. However, in addition to it all, human beings are essentially creatures politicon Zoon, who tend to work together, choosing to society than solitude, and that in turn will encourage him to give up some rights to others, so that from its cooperation with them he can take advantage of the embodiment of honor and interests. Therefore, some kind of sacrifice and preliminary interests of others, became part of the imperative in building a society without its existence, the public will not be able to live happily. If you do not restrict your freedom while driving on the highway with road signs, surely you can not drive on the road with safe, good for your soul as well as for your body. If you do not limit your behavior in bermu `amalah, and keep your hands of human treasure, nisacya you will not be able to guarantee profit and security of property and wealth. Therefore, the spirit of the law is one way to guarantee individual rights, and other terms to limit his freedom. Subject to this law is a form of introduction to the interests of others and sacrifice. In view of syari `ah, he might not get the reward, and experts in ethics and moral views he probably does not deserve praise, however it is a guarantee for the ness of life in a noble and happy society. Meanwhile, put the interests of others above your self interest is more than that, this is praised by syari `ah and by the principles of morals. He was the attitude of putting the interests of others based on personal awareness, not by compulsion of law. And not driven by worldly interests or instant enjoyment. In fact, the actions that he chose not to obtain than getting a personal pleasure, choose the hard rather than relaxing, choose the hungry rather than full, and chose death rather than life. The beauty of the sacrifice was not undermined by the desire to obtain rewards or praise, reward and praise because it is a meaningful case is expected of supernatural nature. Who gives something of material benefit to humans in the hope of getting meaningful replies, it means has provided an evidence for the soul, which gives more than takes. Indeed, this is the glory and the ultimate height and instructions goodness and virtue of the most powerful. We are indebted to the pleasure of living in every material and non-material effect on the people who have sacrificed and put the interests of others. We owe it to enjoy the facilities in the electricity, cars, airplanes and radio to the genius scientist who spent many years in the laboratory and their homes and continue researching day and night until they can give to mankind the result of hard work and suffering they endure. Form of pleasure, knowledge, and health enjoyed by billions of people in the East and West. We owe a delicacy in the field of science to the authors, like writers, scholars, muhadditsin, mufassirin and philosophers who spent their age diligently to write and meet sheets of paper with the wisdom and knowledge. While others were soundly asleep or busy with their lust. Az Zamakhsyari following expression describes what they are doing it: I'm staying up to study and examine the science, more ni `mat for me Compared to frolic and have fun with a beautiful woman I moved to and fro to solve science problems More comfortable and more attractive than the delicious taste We owe our country in land use, results, and social institutions, against our old people who have business and process it with their toil, and they were ransomed by blood and souls, so that this country down to us in a state noble and dignified. We are also indebted to the problem aqeedah and our religion that we are proud of this, and that we continue to talk about ni `mat Allah to us for guidance and his ethical teachings given to us through this religion, the pious Salaf generation who bear the various difficulty and pain in bringing this treatise in his first term, and who have sacrificed their blood and souls to face the enemies of Islam to convey this religion to the people after them, they also remove many obstacles that have been spread by his detractors, heretics and This religion is a liar. Masihiah martyrs in the first three centuries of the birth of Christ as are the people who had been instrumental to all believers who feel the delicacy Masihi submits to Christ and his teachings. And the martyrs of Islam in the Apostles and in the caliphs after him, were people who had been instrumental to the entire human race over ni `mat Islam and its civilization are eternal. Thus, we as a generation of today has been indebted to the previous-generation genersai in all what we `ni die today as a result of sacrifice, struggle and their attitudes that put the interests of others. So if we continue The set of fitting their sacrifice so that we can convey this to Keni `Matan generas next-generation as has been done by generations before us. Is our current generation to appreciate the meaning of sacrifice and put the interests of others? Does our generation have a certain character like this, which has been ordered by syari `at Allah, and the rules of morality? Actually, the life we ​​live now, almost had to remove the remnants of this beautiful human morality. Wherever you go and wherever you look sisii-side of our social life today, certainly you will find the selfishness that has overcome all things. You find selfishness a father who control in relation to their children, egoism husband / wife who master it in conjunction with the wife / husband, egoism leaders who master it in conjunction with the community under his leadership, selfishness of the rich and the haves are very visible in their attitude toward poor people, workers and farmers. Selfishness has mastered all the elements of the nation. Among traders are only concerned with profits of trade, the farmers are only concerned with p ertaniannya, circles and government officials are only concerned with his work; selfishness is what has lifted confidence among each other in society, who decides bond of affection between family members, and weaken the bond between humanity human. So a neighbor away with its neighbors, and a friend away from sahabatnnya, when we're in desperate need of cooperation to face the difficulties and problems of life. However, in our society there are still remnants of mascara altruism that gives hope for the disappearance of this selfishness in our society. Namely those who gave their lives to become martyrs in liberating Palestine, those who have sacrificed their souls in our country's independence struggle, those who have helped social institutions with the funds and their business, their dam who provide themselves as carrying the torch of reform society when people are in their negligence. They are pioneers carrier spirit of sacrifice and altruism mascara. We hope that their numbers continue to grow in quality and quantity over time. Dear Readers! We are in the glorious month, which invites to the kindness and encourage the attitude of altruism. Therefore, let us consider the principles of attitude 'iitsar' altruism in our belief, and the influence it in our history. From there we can reveal the fragrance of a noble humanity, which at present have been covered by the ambitions and passions. When the Holy Prophet and his companions make hijrah from Mecca to Medina, he unite in friendship between the mu `Minin from among immigrants with the mu` Minin from among the Ansar. Namely by making for each individual from among the Ansar a brother of Muhajir. So the brothers from the Ansar was carrying his brother who came from among the immigrants to his home, to then divide the two all that he had with his brother from muhajirin it, he divided his money, clothes, food, vehicle, and treating it in front of him and his family as a lover to lover. He did not hesitate to help him, and giving advice and helping hand. So forget about the suffering muhajirin among those who have left his hometown, his family and his wealth. So the phenomenon record Quran iitsaar 'altruism' is to be blessed eternal lesson for future generations. Read the word of Allah SWT the following: "And those who have occupied the city of Medina and have faith (Ansar) before (coming of) them (immigrants), they love people who emigrated to them. And they not put the desire in their hearts against anything given to them (the immigrants), and they give priority to (those immigrants), for themselves. Even if they require (what they give it). And who is saved from his miserliness, they are the ones who are lucky. "(Al Hasyr: 9) Allah says about those who sacrificed their souls in defense of truth and goodness, as follows: "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead; Nay, they live with their Lord, finding their provision." (Ali Imraan: 169.) And said of his servants who do good not because the purpose of obtaining credit and replies from others, as follows: "And they give food he likes to the poor, orphans and people are taken prisoner. Verily, We give food to you just to expect the pleasure of Allah, we do not want a reply from you, nor (greeting) thank you. "(Al-Insaan: 8-9) When the Prophet decided to migrate from his home which has been besieged by the league and they intend to kill him, the bed he was succeeded by his uncle's son, Ali bin Abi Talib ra He chose to become a victim of the Prophet, and make her as human shields to face the swords among the idolaters who are ready to cut her body and relieve his life. By doing so, he has been willing to sacrifice himself for the Holy Prophet carrier guidance for all mankind. When people have suffered famine and drought at the time of Umar, Umar only got to sleep a wink and can only rest for a while. All of the attention devoted to eliminating famine of its people. His efforts continued to burden him, so that his body turned black, and weakened. So people who saw him like that there is a saying: "if this famine continues to take a few months away, surely Omar could die of grief and suffering to see people suffering." One day came a caravan carrying goods from Egypt who brought meat, samin oil, food and clothing materials, and then he handed out all of itself to the public, and do not want at all to take part. He then said to the head of the caravan entourage: "I invite you to eat dirumahku later". The head of the caravan immediately thought of the delicious-delicious food. Because he thought that the food consumed by Amir al-Mu `Minin certainly better and more delicious than ordinary food. So in the spirit he came to Omar's house, while holding hunger, thirst and tiredness. There, Omar immediately prepare food for him. But that makes the visitor astonished is that the food consumed by Amir al-Mu `Minin not the food in the form of meat, oil saming, grilled meats and sweets. The food was nothing more than pieces of dried black bread, with berlauk plate of oil. It made the room very surprised, then he immediately asked to Umar: "why do you forbid to eat with other people in the form of food from the meat and oil samin, even thou serve me food that is consumed entirely unworthy of this?". Umar replied: "I only give food to you with the usual food I consume." He again asked: "what prevents you to memakanan same foods consumed by the public, when you yourself who have been handing out meat to the people?". Umar replied: "I have promised myself not to eat meat until minyaki samin and Muslims have all been satisfied with both types of food." What a great mascara iitsaar 'altruism' that has been shown by Umar was not it? And is there any appeal that attitude in this world? History has told us the contributions and sacrifices that have been given by women in wartime Paris in the seventies (19th century). Until they voluntarily give up their jewelry to help pay the fines imposed by Jermah of Parisians as ransom to free them from the military siege. The attitude of the women of Paris is a good example of the preliminary public interest and sacrifice. However, whether the level of sacrifice they were able to match the amount of sacrifice among the Muslim women at the time of the Prophet, when the Holy Prophet to encourage them to give donations and charity, and all the women spontaneously took off all their jewelry until no remaining one bit and they give to the Messenger Saw, for then he use such property for the benefit of the Muslims. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) Donations in time of war to face the onslaught of the enemy is an act that is very commendable. But the contribution at the time of peace as a contribution to public welfare projects while expecting something in return Allah SWT is an act that is more commendable again. Not surprisingly, our women's services that donate their jewelry at the time of peace, is more enduring and more praiseworthy than the actions of Paris woman who had donated their jewelry in time of war. Dear readers Among the women we are pious, devout woman who is known in history by the name of Rabi `ah` Adawiah. Among the string of sentences munajatnya to Allah SWT that he recite in worship is eternal sentences are: "Oh God, I pray to you not because of fear of hellfire to you, also not because of thy hope of heaven. But I do it because you have the right to be worshiped. " And he often hummed sha `ir this: I love You with two love: love lust And love because You are worthy to be loved So, why we can not reach the height of greatness of soul and attitude of altruism and sacrifice as that achieved by Rabi `ah` Adawiyah; that we do good simply because it is good, and for the common man, by not expecting praise and reward them , but we do it solely because of Allah SWT?. Why do we not do good to our brothers, our neighbors and all mankind, we remember their needs before our needs, and their interests before the interests of us, without waiting for pay and reward? O people, always remember Allah SWT says the following: "And they give food he likes to the poor, orphans and people are taken prisoner. Verily, We give food to you just to expect the pleasure of Allah, we do not want a reply from you, nor (greeting) thank you. "(Al-Insaan: 8-9)