GROUP Minutes of prayer
Minutes of Prayer Collection 1. Primacy and glory of prayer 2. Praying with raised hands 3. Barriers prayer 4. The people who answered his prayer 5. Efficacious times Passages copied from books Jahalatun fid Du'a, Indonesian edition Mistake In Prayer, by Ismail bin Marsyud bin Ibrahim Al-Rumaih, published by Darul Haq, translator Zaenal Abidin, Lc.
The virtue and glory Benediction
1. Supplication is worship based on the word of God: "It means: Berdo'alah me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan. Those who boasting of worship Me will enter Hell in a state Jahannam untouchable. " (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Sheikh Taqiyuddin Subki said: What is meant prayer in the above verse is a prayer which is the petition, and the next verse 'an' ibaadatiy shows that prayer is more specific than the worship, which means that whoever is not arrogant want to worship, then definitely do not want to pray arrogant. Thus the threat directed to the person who left the prayer for pride and those who do the deed, then he has disbelieved. As for those who do not pray for some reason, it is not affected threat. Nevertheless multiply prayers remain better than leave it because the arguments that suggest quite a lot of praying. (Fath Bari 11/98). From Nu'man ibn Basyir that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: Prayer is worship", then he read the verse: "Verily, those who brag of worship Me ". (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi say: Should the hadith Nu'man in understood the meaning of language, means to pray is to show the attitude of surrender and need God, because it is not advisable worship but to surrender and subject to the Creator and to feel in need of Allah. Therefore God to end the verse with His words: "Those who were proud of worship Me." In verse These people who do not submit and surrender to God is called an arrogant people,
so has the virtue of praying in worship, and threats for those who do not want prayer is untouchable. (Fath Bari 11/98). Note: Hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is the essence of worship" (Hadith da'eef) (Didhaifkan Al-Albani, Ta'liq 'ala Misykatul Masabiih 2 / 693 No. 2231) 2. Prayer is the most noble worship with Allah, from Abu Hurayrah said: that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: There is nothing that the most noble in the sight of Allah than prayer." (Sunan At-Timidzi, chapter Benediction 12/263, Sunan Ibn Majah, ch Benediction 2 / 341 No. 3874. Musnad Ahmad 2 / 362). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the meaning of the hadith is not there something religious qauliyah (speech) is more precious in the sight of Allah than prayer, because something must compare in accordance with the substance. So the notion that prayer is worship badaniyah foremost that this is not contrary to the word of God. "It means: Verily, the most honorable among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you ". (Al-Hujurat: 13). 3. God's wrath against those who abandon prayer, based on the hadith that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: He who does not ask to God, then God will memurkainya". (Sunan At-Tirmidhi, chapter Benediction 12/267-268). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi said: "The meaning of the above hadith is he who does not ask to God, then He will anger him and vice versa very pleased when asked his servant. "(Fath Bari 11/98). Furi Imam Al-Mubarak said that the person who left the prayer means arrogant and feel do not need God. Imam At-Thaibi say that God is pleased when asked for his gift, then whoever which does not appeal to God, then is entitled to his wrath. From the above hadith indicates that the request for slave to God is a liability The most noble and most important, because to avoid the wrath of God is the one who became necessity. (Mura'atul Mashabih 7 / 358) 4. Prayer able to reject the destiny of God, based on the hadith of Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: No one can deny destiny except prayer." (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Qadar 8/305-306) Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the question is, fate is dependent on prayer and prayer could be utterly rejected because fate is a fate is not contrary to the problem
cause and effect, may be the cause of the occurrence of something happening or whether something else including destiny. An example of praying to avoid the disaster, they are God's destiny. Perhaps someone destined not affected and pray that if she prayed, probably not affected, so that prayer is like a shield and arrows like a disaster. (Mura'atul Mafatih 7/354-355). Uthaymeen Sheikh was asked: "We often hear people say: O Allah we're not begging for our destiny will be changed but we ask that the softness in the destiny. Does prayer are allowed.? "Answer: Pray like it is prohibited and unlawful because prayer can change destiny as we mentioned in the above hadith. Even people who pray like that against God and as if to say: "O Allah takdirkanlah me whatever you want but give it softness in destiny. " Should people who pray resolved in his prayer, as prayer: O God our beg Your mercy and we take refuge from the torment thee, and prayer semisalnya. When a pray to God for not altered his destiny, then what are the benefits while prayer can change destiny, and could be destiny can only be changed lantara prayer. The important prayer The above should not be and should be avoided and anyone who hears prayer like it should advise him. (Liqa 'Babul Maftuh 5/45-46)
5. People who are most vulnerable are people who are not able to pray according to the hadith of the Prophet that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: People who are weak are the people who left the prayer and the most illiberal was a stingy against the greeting ". (Al-Haitsami, book Majma 'Az-Zawaid. Thabrani, Al- Ausath. Al-Mundziri, the book At-Targhib said: isnaad Jayyid (good) and dishahihkan Al-Albani, As-or higher-lineage Ash 2/152-153 No. 601). Imam Manawi said that what is meant by 'an-naasi Ajazu are the most vulnerable minds and hearts the blind sight, and that is the Sun 'ajzin' an ad-dua'i is weak first plead with God during trouble and thus it can bring God's wrath because he left his command when praying is a very job light. (Faidhul Qadir 1 / 556). Experts say poetry. Do not ask the man, memintalah the Essence of His door is never closed. God will be angry if you did not ask him, while people angry if often requested. Poem on a refutation of the notion that better not pray. 6. Allaah commanded to pray, those who left the prayer means against the commandments of God and those who implement the means in compliance with His commands. Allaah says. "It means: And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when he pleaded
Me, then let them meet (all orders) Me, and let them believe Me, for they always are in truth ". (Al-Baqarah: 186). Shaykh Sa'di said that the verses above as an answer to the question of the companions to The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam they asked: Messenger of Allah, if God so near We pleaded with him or whisper away so we call Him shout? Then came a verse of God. (Tafsir At-Tabari and didhaifkan by Imam Ahmad 3 / 481). "And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near ". Because God is the Essence of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing on something hidden, secret and knowing eyes and change hearts content. God also close to his servant who asked for and was always able to grant the request. Then He said: "I granted the request of people who pray when he begged to Me". Prayer is two kinds of prayer worship and prayer requests. The closeness of God with His servants divided into two kinds, namely: the closeness of his knowledge with each of His creatures and closeness with His servant in giving every application, rescue and taufik to them. Anyone who prays to God with a heart that khusyu 'and pray in accordance with the rules Shari'a and there are no obstructions such as the prayer was acceptable to eat foods that are forbidden or semisalnya, God promised to grant the application. Especially when accompanied matters that cause such prayer terkabulnya fulfill the commandment of God, leaving his ban either through words or deeds and believe that prayer will be granted. So God said: "Then let them meet (all orders) and I have faith in their hedaklah Me, for they always are in truth ". It means that people who pray will be in truth is to get guidance to believe and do good deeds and to avoid crimes and atrocities. (Tafsir Al-Sa'di 1/224-225). 7. Zarkasi Imam said that the concentration in prayer and also showed a low attitude, submission, servitude and feel you need God is a most glorious worship even so it becomes legal conditions of worship. God promises to give reward people that prayer, even if not granted his prayer. 8. Praying is busied themselves to the remembrance of Allah that arise in the liver flavor exaltation of the greatness of God and wants to return to Him cease from sin. Often knocked on the door has a great opportunity to get in, so there is a saying that He who often knocked on the door, then a time will be given entry permits so that said: "Given the chance to pray better than be given something." 9. Many prayer can prevent disasters and calamities, as the word of God amazing but about the Prophet Ibrahim, Salam alaihis: "It means: And I will pray to my Lord, I hope I will not be disappointed with pray to my Lord. "(Maryam: 48) And the word of God on the Prophet Zakariya 'alaihis Salam. "It means: He said: 'My Lord, my bones were weak and my head was overgrown gray hair, and I have never been disappointed in prayer to Thee, my Lord ". ((Mary: 4) Al-Azhiyah fi Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 38-42).
10. Some people pray only once or twice and after the feeling was not granted, then stop praying. Clearly, such actions are wrong actions he should continue even repeating her prayer to God grant it. From Abu Haurairah radi 'Anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: prayer of a servant will always be granted while not pleading guilty or something termination of kin, or not in a hurry. They ask: What is the hurry? He replied: "He said, I prayed many times not granted, then he felt sorry then leave the prayer. "(Sahih Muslim, book of Dhikr wa Benediction 4 / 87). According to Imam An-Nawawi referred regret was leaving prayer. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 17/52). Then it should be a servant shall continue to pray and not be bored and felt no granted his prayer. In a speech: "I prayed many times but was not granted." Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Sheikh Al-Qari said: "What is meant by sentence is not seeing the results of my prayers. Sometimes it feels slow her prayer answered or discouraged from praying and both are reprehensible. Please note, there are certain times to terkabulnya prayer, as is narrated that prayer of Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh was destroyed by God only granted after forty years. The despair of the mercy of God is not going to happen except for those who disbelieve ". (Mura'atul Mafatih 7 / 348). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that in the above hadith there are ethics that continue to pray applied for and not despair in prayer for so it is part of the attitude of submission and surrender to God and feel the need for God, therefore some scholars salaf said: "We are more afraid to pray rather than hindered terkabulnya hindered prayer. " Imam Ad-Dawudi said: "It is feared that those who say that he always prayed but not granted then the prayer is really not granted, or really not granted suspension or remission of punishment hereafter for his sins. " Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: Know that the prayers of the faithful can not be rejected, perhaps delayed pengkabulannya better or replaced something more serious benefits than those requested both in this world or the Hereafter. Should a servant does not leave prayer to His Lord because prayer is the worship worship submission and obedience to God. "(Fath Bari 7 / 348) From Aisha radi 'anha that he said: "When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam exposed magic Jew named Lubaid bin A'sham, he said that as if Messenger of doing something while not doing so one night the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray and then pray and keep praying. "(Saheeh Muslim, Book of Greetings Magic chapter 7 / 14)
Imam An-Nawawi said that the above hadith stressed to each slave when crushed disaster or misfortune to multiply prayers and continue to submit to God. (Saheeh Syarh Muslim 7 / 14). From Ali ibn Abu Talib radi 'anhu said that when I started fighting when the war Badr me back quickly to see what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, it turns out he was prostrate and read: Dear Supreme Essence of Life and All That Eternal, O and Essence of the Most Blessed Eternal Life, then I return to fight, then I back again to where the Messenger of Allah, I met him in a state of prostration, and then I come back I then fought back to where he and I met still read the prayer so that God gives victory. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari 11/98) From Ubadah bin Saamit Radhiyallahu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There is no Muslim prays to God in the world with a request unless Allah will grant it or eliminate bad things that semisalnya thereof, while not pray something sinful or termination of kin. There was a man of a people said: If so I will multiply the (prayer). He said: '"God hears more than you ask. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fathul bari 11/98). 11. Hadith which reads. "It means: Allah loves those who earnestly in prayer." (Hadith weak hadith, Al- Albani said in Genealogy Dhaifah that this hadith false 2/96-97).
Pray with the Lifting Hand
Lifting hands in prayer is the most noble ethics and virtue noble and the cause terkabulnya prayer. From Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He is ashamed of His servants raised his hands (ask him) returned empty-not getting what what ". (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Prayer Prayer 2 / 78 No. 1488, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Prayer 13/68. Musnad Ahmad, 5 / 438. Dishahihkan Al-Albani, Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud). Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the wording Hayyun Furi comes from the wording haya 'a significant embarrassment. God has a shy nature in accordance with the majesty of His essence we have faith without describe the attribute. Kariim wording that means the Supreme Giving without being asked and be counted or the Most Gracious, Most Giving that never runs out of Him, He is the essence Gracious in mutlaq. Wording of yarudahuma shifron means empty without something. (Mur'atul Mafatih 7 / 363). From Anas Radhiyalahu 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with raised hands in prayer except Istisqa. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa '2 / 12. Saheeh Muslim, book Istisqa '3 / 24). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that the hadith does not deny the prayer by raising hands but denying the nature and particular way of raising hands during prayer, means to raise their hands in prayer istisqa 'has its own way may be by way raised his hands up high do not like when other prayers which only raised both hands parallel to the face alone. Praying with his hands up to shoulder level with the two are not contradictory with the above hadith because he never raised his hands to pray and white look armpits, then allowed to raise their hands in prayer until the visible arm, but in istisqa prayer recommended in much more than that or perhaps the prayers istisqa palms directed to the earth and in prayer otherwise directed palms to the sky. Imam Al-Mundziri said that if the case is not possible to unite the hadiths above, the opinion which states praying with raised hands closer truth because so many hadiths which establish raise their hands in prayer, as it has been called the Imam Al-Mundziri and Imam An-Nawawi in Sharh Muhadzdzab and Imam Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex. The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from 'Anger bin Ruwaibah that he saw Bishr ibn Marwan raised his hands in prayer, then deny it and then said: "I saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam no more of this as he signaled his forefinger. "
Imam At-Tabari narrated from some Salaf that disunnahkan pray with suggests the index finger. However, the above hadith occurred during Friday sermons and not means denying the hadith hadiths that advocate lifting the arms pray. (Fath Bari 11/146-147). But in this matter a mistake, some people there and not excessive never at all willing to leave his hands, and some others do not ever at all raise their hands except for special times alone, and some others in between both, meaning that raise their hands when praying which is recommended and not raised his hand at the time praying that no recommendations. Imam Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam say that it is not advisable raise their hands when reading prayers or prayer Iftitah between the two prostrations. No one haditspun a saheeh which justify that argument. Neither disunahkan not raise his hand when he read prayers and not recommended tasyahud pray raised his hand except for the times recommended by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to raise their hands. (Fataawa al-Izz bin Abdussalam things. 47). Shaikh Bin Bazz said that his hands are encouraged to pray for such a cause terkabulnya prayer, based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He's embarrassed to His servant the pick-up both hands (ask Him), He did not return empty and found nothing. "(Abu Dawud Hadith History). And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "Which means: Verily Allah does not accept unless both the good and true God instruct the believers as commanded the apostles, God said. "O ye who believe, eat of the good rizki which We have given you and give thanks to God, if it is really only to Him ye worship. "(Al-Baqarah: 172). And the word of God: "O Messengers, eat of the good food, and but do charitable deeds. Indeed I is Aware of what ye do. "(Al- Mukminuun: 51). Then he mentioned someone who raised his hands ragged towards the heavens praying: 'Yes Rabbi, Lord but his food is haraam, haram and drink unclean clothes and flesh and blood grew out of an illegitimate, how can his prayer be granted? " (Saheeh Muslim, Book of Zakat 3/85-86). Not recommended pray raise their hands when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not raised his hands in time to pray like praying at the time after the greeting from prayer, reading the prayers in between the two prostrations and read prayers before prayers and greetings from the time to pray in a sermon Friday and Eid-ul-Fitr, there was never any hadith which states that Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam raise their hands during that time. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is our role model in all things, what's left and what is being implemented all the best for his people, but if the Friday sermon preacher read a prayer istisqa ', it is recommended lifting hands in prayer as has been done by the Prophet Shallallah 'alaihi wa sallam. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa ', chapter Imam Jamaat Lifting Hands Together 2 / 21).
It is recommended that raise their hands in prayer after praying the sunnah but better do not routinely do so because the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam did not routinely perform acts and if so, then surely we find a history of his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam especially the friends always convey all his actions and words both in be a resident of a state or traveling. As for the hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is worship that requires khusyu 'and surrender, then the second lift your hand and say: Ya Rabbi, Lord. "(Hadith da'eef, Fatawa Muhimmmah things. 47 - 49). And not recommended lifting hands in prayer read thawaf because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam many times do riwayatpun thawaf no one who explained that he pray raised his hand during tawaf. The best thing is to follow the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and something The worst is to follow the act of heresy.
How to raise their hands in prayer. Ibn Abbas argues that the way his hands in prayer is the second hand appointed to align with both shoulders, and beristighfar berisyarat with one finger, while Ibtihal (istighasah) by raising both hands high. (Sunan Abu Daud, Witr chapter, chapter Prayer 2 / 79 No. 14 950. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud). Imam al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said that I saw Ibn 'Umar prayed at Al-Qashi with raised his hands to both shoulders and parallel with the palms of his hands exposed to the face. (Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari 11/147. Ascribed to Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex but no). Know that prayer Istisqa 'has two ways First. Raised both hands and directs both hands to the face, based on of Maula Abi Umair Al-Lahm that he saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed istisqa in Zait Ahjari close to Zaura 'while standing raised both his hands did not exceed above his head and directs both hands toward his face. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book Prayers chapter Yadain Raf'ul fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu David, 1 / 226 No. 1035). Both Raising the hands up high and out of direct palms toward the sky and in the palm of the hand toward the earth. From Anas that he saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray when istisqa with a raised hand high and direct the palm of the hand side in the direction of the earth to look white armpits. (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Raf'ul Prayers Yadain fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud 1 / 226 No. 1035).
Prayer barriers
Many people who pray do something that cause their prayer rejected and no granted, because of their ignorance about the terms of prayer, but if not met one of these requirements, then the prayer was not granted. The most important requirements among others. 1. Sincere As word of God. "It means: The Worship of God by purifying worship to Him." (Ghafir: 14) Ibn Kathir says that everyone should worship and pray with sincerity and menyelisihi idolaters in the way and their schools. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4 / 73) From Abdurrahman ibn Yazid that he said that Ar-Rabii 'come to' Alqamah on Friday and if I did not have her give the news to me, then 'Alqamah meet me and said: What do you think about what brought by Rabii '.? He replied: "How many people who pray, but not granted? Because God does not accept prayer except a sincere ". I say: Is not that already said? He said: Abdullah say that God does not hear the prayer someone who prays for sum'ah, riya 'and main- play but God accepts those who pray sincerely from the bottom of her heart ". (Imam al-Bukhari in Adabul simplex 2 / 65 No. 606. Dishahihkan isnaad by Al-Albani in Saheeh Adabul simplex No. 473. Nakhilah intention is iikhlas, Masma 'are those who labor to be praised atu fame). Including the requirement terkabulnya prayer is not worship and do not pray except to God. If someone besides addressing some of the worship of God is good to the Prophet or the guardian such as applying to them, then his prayer is not Fulfilled and later Hereafter including people who are losers and will dwell in Hell if he died before Jahim repent. 2 & 3. No Prayer For Something Sin or Decide silaturrahmi From Abu Sa'id that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: If a Muslim does not pray and implore the sinner or the termination of relatives except by God's will diakabulkan one of the three; will be granted his prayer or postponed for deposits in the afterlife or eliminate evil thereof
semisalnya. "(Musnad Ahmad, 3 / 18. Imam Al-Mundziri say Jayyid (good) Targhib 2 / 478). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that that meant "do not pray for any who sinned" means pray for disobedience of a sample: "Oh God destined me to be able to kill the so and so", while the so and so was not entitled to be killed or "O Allah, grant me to be able to drink rizki khamer "or" O Allah pertemukanlah I'm with a woman for adultery ". Or pray to decide silaturrahmi an example: "O Allah, I put away from the father and mother and my brother "or prayer semisalnya. Prayer is a common specialism against. Imam Al-Jazri said that the gathering could be decided not greet each other, blocking each other and not doing good with all the relatives and family. 4. Should Food and Clothing of the Halal and Good From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Radhiyallahu'anhu sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam states: "It means: A man who battered again because the old shabby traveling raised both arms to the high heavens and prayed: Lord, Lord, while the forbidden food, drink unclean, unclean clothes and flesh grew from the illicit, then how can his prayer Fulfilled.? "(Sahih Muslim, Zakat book chapters Qabulus sadaqah 3/85-86). Imam An-Nawawi said that that meant a long trip in order to worship the God like a pilgrimage, pilgrimages, formed friendships and others. In this day and age how many people who consume foods, beverages and clothing are forbidden usury either of property, gambling bribes or other property. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 7 / 100). Expert poem said. "We pray and think of prayer lifted when confronting sin and the prayer again. How do we get to prayer while facing in the course of our sins. "(Al-Azhiyah in Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 141). 5. Hurrying No Waiting Terkabulnya In Prayer From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There will be granted one request of you, while not in a hurry, ie says: I have prayed but not yet granted. "(Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Book Da'awaat 7 / 153. Sahih Muslim, book of prayer wa Dhikr 8 / 87). Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: What is meant by the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "I prayed but was not granted", Ibn Baththaal say that someone is bored pray and leaves, as if he'd bring in his prayer, or perhaps he prayed properly in accordance with the condition, but being stingy in prayer and thought Alllah not able to grant his prayer, when He Essence of the Almighty grant the prayer and never runs out of his administration. (Fath Bari 11/145). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Imam Al-Madzhari said: He who bored in pray, the prayer was not Fulfilled because prayer is worship either granted or not, someone should not be bored worship. Postponement request may not
time the prayer was granted because everything has been set when it occurred, so that everything that is not time would not be possible, or may request Fulfilled not replace prayer with God's purpose is to reward, or may so the prayer was delayed pengabulannya for that person to pray diligently for God was very pleased against those who diligently pray because prayer shows the condescending attitude, surrender and feel you need God. People often knock on the door will be opened the door and so also people who often prays his prayer will be granted. So should any of the Muslims should not be left to pray. (Mir'atul Mafatih 7 / 349). Doubtful, or doubts about God's word: "Meaning: Pray to Me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan." (Ghafir: 60).
GROUP Minutes of prayer
Minutes of Prayer Collection 1. Primacy and glory of prayer 2. Praying with raised hands 3. Barriers prayer 4. The people who answered his prayer 5. Efficacious times Passages copied from books Jahalatun fid Du'a, Indonesian edition Mistake In Prayer, by Ismail bin Marsyud bin Ibrahim Al-Rumaih, published by Darul Haq, translator Zaenal Abidin, Lc.
The virtue and glory Benediction
1. Supplication is worship based on the word of God: "It means: Berdo'alah me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan. Those who boasting of worship Me will enter Hell in a state Jahannam untouchable. " (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Sheikh Taqiyuddin Subki said: What is meant prayer in the above verse is a prayer which is the petition, and the next verse 'an' ibaadatiy shows that prayer is more specific than the worship, which means that whoever is not arrogant want to worship, then definitely do not want to pray arrogant. Thus the threat directed to the person who left the prayer for pride and those who do the deed, then he has disbelieved. As for those who do not pray for some reason, it is not affected threat. Nevertheless multiply prayers remain better than leave it because the arguments that suggest quite a lot of praying. (Fath Bari 11/98). From Nu'man ibn Basyir that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: Prayer is worship", then he read the verse: "Verily, those who brag of worship Me ". (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi say: Should the hadith Nu'man in understood the meaning of language, means to pray is to show the attitude of surrender and need God, because it is not advisable worship but to surrender and subject to the Creator and to feel in need of Allah. Therefore God to end the verse with His words: "Those who were proud of worship Me." In verse These people who do not submit and surrender to God is called an arrogant people,
so has the virtue of praying in worship, and threats for those who do not want prayer is untouchable. (Fath Bari 11/98). Note: Hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is the essence of worship" (Hadith da'eef) (Didhaifkan Al-Albani, Ta'liq 'ala Misykatul Masabiih 2 / 693 No. 2231) 2. Prayer is the most noble worship with Allah, from Abu Hurayrah said: that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: There is nothing that the most noble in the sight of Allah than prayer." (Sunan At-Timidzi, chapter Benediction 12/263, Sunan Ibn Majah, ch Benediction 2 / 341 No. 3874. Musnad Ahmad 2 / 362). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the meaning of the hadith is not there something religious qauliyah (speech) is more precious in the sight of Allah than prayer, because something must compare in accordance with the substance. So the notion that prayer is worship badaniyah foremost that this is not contrary to the word of God. "It means: Verily, the most honorable among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you ". (Al-Hujurat: 13). 3. God's wrath against those who abandon prayer, based on the hadith that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: He who does not ask to God, then God will memurkainya". (Sunan At-Tirmidhi, chapter Benediction 12/267-268). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi said: "The meaning of the above hadith is he who does not ask to God, then He will anger him and vice versa very pleased when asked his servant. "(Fath Bari 11/98). Furi Imam Al-Mubarak said that the person who left the prayer means arrogant and feel do not need God. Imam At-Thaibi say that God is pleased when asked for his gift, then whoever which does not appeal to God, then is entitled to his wrath. From the above hadith indicates that the request for slave to God is a liability The most noble and most important, because to avoid the wrath of God is the one who became necessity. (Mura'atul Mashabih 7 / 358) 4. Prayer able to reject the destiny of God, based on the hadith of Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: No one can deny destiny except prayer." (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Qadar 8/305-306) Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the question is, fate is dependent on prayer and prayer could be utterly rejected because fate is a fate is not contrary to the problem
cause and effect, may be the cause of the occurrence of something happening or whether something else including destiny. An example of praying to avoid the disaster, they are God's destiny. Perhaps someone destined not affected and pray that if she prayed, probably not affected, so that prayer is like a shield and arrows like a disaster. (Mura'atul Mafatih 7/354-355). Uthaymeen Sheikh was asked: "We often hear people say: O Allah we're not begging for our destiny will be changed but we ask that the softness in the destiny. Does prayer are allowed.? "Answer: Pray like it is prohibited and unlawful because prayer can change destiny as we mentioned in the above hadith. Even people who pray like that against God and as if to say: "O Allah takdirkanlah me whatever you want but give it softness in destiny. " Should people who pray resolved in his prayer, as prayer: O God our beg Your mercy and we take refuge from the torment thee, and prayer semisalnya. When a pray to God for not altered his destiny, then what are the benefits while prayer can change destiny, and could be destiny can only be changed lantara prayer. The important prayer The above should not be and should be avoided and anyone who hears prayer like it should advise him. (Liqa 'Babul Maftuh 5/45-46)
5. People who are most vulnerable are people who are not able to pray according to the hadith of the Prophet that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: People who are weak are the people who left the prayer and the most illiberal was a stingy against the greeting ". (Al-Haitsami, book Majma 'Az-Zawaid. Thabrani, Al- Ausath. Al-Mundziri, the book At-Targhib said: isnaad Jayyid (good) and dishahihkan Al-Albani, As-or higher-lineage Ash 2/152-153 No. 601). Imam Manawi said that what is meant by 'an-naasi Ajazu are the most vulnerable minds and hearts the blind sight, and that is the Sun 'ajzin' an ad-dua'i is weak first plead with God during trouble and thus it can bring God's wrath because he left his command when praying is a very job light. (Faidhul Qadir 1 / 556). Experts say poetry. Do not ask the man, memintalah the Essence of His door is never closed. God will be angry if you did not ask him, while people angry if often requested. Poem on a refutation of the notion that better not pray. 6. Allaah commanded to pray, those who left the prayer means against the commandments of God and those who implement the means in compliance with His commands. Allaah says. "It means: And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when he pleaded
Me, then let them meet (all orders) Me, and let them believe Me, for they always are in truth ". (Al-Baqarah: 186). Shaykh Sa'di said that the verses above as an answer to the question of the companions to The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam they asked: Messenger of Allah, if God so near We pleaded with him or whisper away so we call Him shout? Then came a verse of God. (Tafsir At-Tabari and didhaifkan by Imam Ahmad 3 / 481). "And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near ". Because God is the Essence of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing on something hidden, secret and knowing eyes and change hearts content. God also close to his servant who asked for and was always able to grant the request. Then He said: "I granted the request of people who pray when he begged to Me". Prayer is two kinds of prayer worship and prayer requests. The closeness of God with His servants divided into two kinds, namely: the closeness of his knowledge with each of His creatures and closeness with His servant in giving every application, rescue and taufik to them. Anyone who prays to God with a heart that khusyu 'and pray in accordance with the rules Shari'a and there are no obstructions such as the prayer was acceptable to eat foods that are forbidden or semisalnya, God promised to grant the application. Especially when accompanied matters that cause such prayer terkabulnya fulfill the commandment of God, leaving his ban either through words or deeds and believe that prayer will be granted. So God said: "Then let them meet (all orders) and I have faith in their hedaklah Me, for they always are in truth ". It means that people who pray will be in truth is to get guidance to believe and do good deeds and to avoid crimes and atrocities. (Tafsir Al-Sa'di 1/224-225). 7. Zarkasi Imam said that the concentration in prayer and also showed a low attitude, submission, servitude and feel you need God is a most glorious worship even so it becomes legal conditions of worship. God promises to give reward people that prayer, even if not granted his prayer. 8. Praying is busied themselves to the remembrance of Allah that arise in the liver flavor exaltation of the greatness of God and wants to return to Him cease from sin. Often knocked on the door has a great opportunity to get in, so there is a saying that He who often knocked on the door, then a time will be given entry permits so that said: "Given the chance to pray better than be given something." 9. Many prayer can prevent disasters and calamities, as the word of God amazing but about the Prophet Ibrahim, Salam alaihis: "It means: And I will pray to my Lord, I hope I will not be disappointed with pray to my Lord. "(Maryam: 48) And the word of God on the Prophet Zakariya 'alaihis Salam. "It means: He said: 'My Lord, my bones were weak and my head was overgrown gray hair, and I have never been disappointed in prayer to Thee, my Lord ". ((Mary: 4) Al-Azhiyah fi Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 38-42).
10. Some people pray only once or twice and after the feeling was not granted, then stop praying. Clearly, such actions are wrong actions he should continue even repeating her prayer to God grant it. From Abu Haurairah radi 'Anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: prayer of a servant will always be granted while not pleading guilty or something termination of kin, or not in a hurry. They ask: What is the hurry? He replied: "He said, I prayed many times not granted, then he felt sorry then leave the prayer. "(Sahih Muslim, book of Dhikr wa Benediction 4 / 87). According to Imam An-Nawawi referred regret was leaving prayer. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 17/52). Then it should be a servant shall continue to pray and not be bored and felt no granted his prayer. In a speech: "I prayed many times but was not granted." Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Sheikh Al-Qari said: "What is meant by sentence is not seeing the results of my prayers. Sometimes it feels slow her prayer answered or discouraged from praying and both are reprehensible. Please note, there are certain times to terkabulnya prayer, as is narrated that prayer of Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh was destroyed by God only granted after forty years. The despair of the mercy of God is not going to happen except for those who disbelieve ". (Mura'atul Mafatih 7 / 348). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that in the above hadith there are ethics that continue to pray applied for and not despair in prayer for so it is part of the attitude of submission and surrender to God and feel the need for God, therefore some scholars salaf said: "We are more afraid to pray rather than hindered terkabulnya hindered prayer. " Imam Ad-Dawudi said: "It is feared that those who say that he always prayed but not granted then the prayer is really not granted, or really not granted suspension or remission of punishment hereafter for his sins. " Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: Know that the prayers of the faithful can not be rejected, perhaps delayed pengkabulannya better or replaced something more serious benefits than those requested both in this world or the Hereafter. Should a servant does not leave prayer to His Lord because prayer is the worship worship submission and obedience to God. "(Fath Bari 7 / 348) From Aisha radi 'anha that he said: "When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam exposed magic Jew named Lubaid bin A'sham, he said that as if Messenger of doing something while not doing so one night the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray and then pray and keep praying. "(Saheeh Muslim, Book of Greetings Magic chapter 7 / 14)
Imam An-Nawawi said that the above hadith stressed to each slave when crushed disaster or misfortune to multiply prayers and continue to submit to God. (Saheeh Syarh Muslim 7 / 14). From Ali ibn Abu Talib radi 'anhu said that when I started fighting when the war Badr me back quickly to see what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, it turns out he was prostrate and read: Dear Supreme Essence of Life and All That Eternal, O and Essence of the Most Blessed Eternal Life, then I return to fight, then I back again to where the Messenger of Allah, I met him in a state of prostration, and then I come back I then fought back to where he and I met still read the prayer so that God gives victory. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari 11/98) From Ubadah bin Saamit Radhiyallahu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There is no Muslim prays to God in the world with a request unless Allah will grant it or eliminate bad things that semisalnya thereof, while not pray something sinful or termination of kin. There was a man of a people said: If so I will multiply the (prayer). He said: '"God hears more than you ask. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fathul bari 11/98). 11. Hadith which reads. "It means: Allah loves those who earnestly in prayer." (Hadith weak hadith, Al- Albani said in Genealogy Dhaifah that this hadith false 2/96-97).
Pray with the Lifting Hand
Lifting hands in prayer is the most noble ethics and virtue noble and the cause terkabulnya prayer. From Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He is ashamed of His servants raised his hands (ask him) returned empty-not getting what what ". (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Prayer Prayer 2 / 78 No. 1488, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Prayer 13/68. Musnad Ahmad, 5 / 438. Dishahihkan Al-Albani, Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud). Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the wording Hayyun Furi comes from the wording haya 'a significant embarrassment. God has a shy nature in accordance with the majesty of His essence we have faith without describe the attribute. Kariim wording that means the Supreme Giving without being asked and be counted or the Most Gracious, Most Giving that never runs out of Him, He is the essence Gracious in mutlaq. Wording of yarudahuma shifron means empty without something. (Mur'atul Mafatih 7 / 363). From Anas Radhiyalahu 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with raised hands in prayer except Istisqa. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa '2 / 12. Saheeh Muslim, book Istisqa '3 / 24). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that the hadith does not deny the prayer by raising hands but denying the nature and particular way of raising hands during prayer, means to raise their hands in prayer istisqa 'has its own way may be by way raised his hands up high do not like when other prayers which only raised both hands parallel to the face alone. Praying with his hands up to shoulder level with the two are not contradictory with the above hadith because he never raised his hands to pray and white look armpits, then allowed to raise their hands in prayer until the visible arm, but in istisqa prayer recommended in much more than that or perhaps the prayers istisqa palms directed to the earth and in prayer otherwise directed palms to the sky. Imam Al-Mundziri said that if the case is not possible to unite the hadiths above, the opinion which states praying with raised hands closer truth because so many hadiths which establish raise their hands in prayer, as it has been called the Imam Al-Mundziri and Imam An-Nawawi in Sharh Muhadzdzab and Imam Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex. The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from 'Anger bin Ruwaibah that he saw Bishr ibn Marwan raised his hands in prayer, then deny it and then said: "I saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam no more of this as he signaled his forefinger. "
Imam At-Tabari narrated from some Salaf that disunnahkan pray with suggests the index finger. However, the above hadith occurred during Friday sermons and not means denying the hadith hadiths that advocate lifting the arms pray. (Fath Bari 11/146-147). But in this matter a mistake, some people there and not excessive never at all willing to leave his hands, and some others do not ever at all raise their hands except for special times alone, and some others in between both, meaning that raise their hands when praying which is recommended and not raised his hand at the time praying that no recommendations. Imam Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam say that it is not advisable raise their hands when reading prayers or prayer Iftitah between the two prostrations. No one haditspun a saheeh which justify that argument. Neither disunahkan not raise his hand when he read prayers and not recommended tasyahud pray raised his hand except for the times recommended by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to raise their hands. (Fataawa al-Izz bin Abdussalam things. 47). Shaikh Bin Bazz said that his hands are encouraged to pray for such a cause terkabulnya prayer, based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He's embarrassed to His servant the pick-up both hands (ask Him), He did not return empty and found nothing. "(Abu Dawud Hadith History). And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "Which means: Verily Allah does not accept unless both the good and true God instruct the believers as commanded the apostles, God said. "O ye who believe, eat of the good rizki which We have given you and give thanks to God, if it is really only to Him ye worship. "(Al-Baqarah: 172). And the word of God: "O Messengers, eat of the good food, and but do charitable deeds. Indeed I is Aware of what ye do. "(Al- Mukminuun: 51). Then he mentioned someone who raised his hands ragged towards the heavens praying: 'Yes Rabbi, Lord but his food is haraam, haram and drink unclean clothes and flesh and blood grew out of an illegitimate, how can his prayer be granted? " (Saheeh Muslim, Book of Zakat 3/85-86). Not recommended pray raise their hands when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not raised his hands in time to pray like praying at the time after the greeting from prayer, reading the prayers in between the two prostrations and read prayers before prayers and greetings from the time to pray in a sermon Friday and Eid-ul-Fitr, there was never any hadith which states that Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam raise their hands during that time. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is our role model in all things, what's left and what is being implemented all the best for his people, but if the Friday sermon preacher read a prayer istisqa ', it is recommended lifting hands in prayer as has been done by the Prophet Shallallah 'alaihi wa sallam. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa ', chapter Imam Jamaat Lifting Hands Together 2 / 21).
It is recommended that raise their hands in prayer after praying the sunnah but better do not routinely do so because the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam did not routinely perform acts and if so, then surely we find a history of his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam especially the friends always convey all his actions and words both in be a resident of a state or traveling. As for the hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is worship that requires khusyu 'and surrender, then the second lift your hand and say: Ya Rabbi, Lord. "(Hadith da'eef, Fatawa Muhimmmah things. 47 - 49). And not recommended lifting hands in prayer read thawaf because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam many times do riwayatpun thawaf no one who explained that he pray raised his hand during tawaf. The best thing is to follow the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and something The worst is to follow the act of heresy.
How to raise their hands in prayer. Ibn Abbas argues that the way his hands in prayer is the second hand appointed to align with both shoulders, and beristighfar berisyarat with one finger, while Ibtihal (istighasah) by raising both hands high. (Sunan Abu Daud, Witr chapter, chapter Prayer 2 / 79 No. 14 950. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud). Imam al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said that I saw Ibn 'Umar prayed at Al-Qashi with raised his hands to both shoulders and parallel with the palms of his hands exposed to the face. (Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari 11/147. Ascribed to Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex but no). Know that prayer Istisqa 'has two ways First. Raised both hands and directs both hands to the face, based on of Maula Abi Umair Al-Lahm that he saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed istisqa in Zait Ahjari close to Zaura 'while standing raised both his hands did not exceed above his head and directs both hands toward his face. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book Prayers chapter Yadain Raf'ul fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu David, 1 / 226 No. 1035). Both Raising the hands up high and out of direct palms toward the sky and in the palm of the hand toward the earth. From Anas that he saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray when istisqa with a raised hand high and direct the palm of the hand side in the direction of the earth to look white armpits. (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Raf'ul Prayers Yadain fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud 1 / 226 No. 1035).
Prayer barriers
Many people who pray do something that cause their prayer rejected and no granted, because of their ignorance about the terms of prayer, but if not met one of these requirements, then the prayer was not granted. The most important requirements among others. 1. Sincere As word of God. "It means: The Worship of God by purifying worship to Him." (Ghafir: 14) Ibn Kathir says that everyone should worship and pray with sincerity and menyelisihi idolaters in the way and their schools. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4 / 73) From Abdurrahman ibn Yazid that he said that Ar-Rabii 'come to' Alqamah on Friday and if I did not have her give the news to me, then 'Alqamah meet me and said: What do you think about what brought by Rabii '.? He replied: "How many people who pray, but not granted? Because God does not accept prayer except a sincere ". I say: Is not that already said? He said: Abdullah say that God does not hear the prayer someone who prays for sum'ah, riya 'and main- play but God accepts those who pray sincerely from the bottom of her heart ". (Imam al-Bukhari in Adabul simplex 2 / 65 No. 606. Dishahihkan isnaad by Al-Albani in Saheeh Adabul simplex No. 473. Nakhilah intention is iikhlas, Masma 'are those who labor to be praised atu fame). Including the requirement terkabulnya prayer is not worship and do not pray except to God. If someone besides addressing some of the worship of God is good to the Prophet or the guardian such as applying to them, then his prayer is not Fulfilled and later Hereafter including people who are losers and will dwell in Hell if he died before Jahim repent. 2 & 3. No Prayer For Something Sin or Decide silaturrahmi From Abu Sa'id that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: If a Muslim does not pray and implore the sinner or the termination of relatives except by God's will diakabulkan one of the three; will be granted his prayer or postponed for deposits in the afterlife or eliminate evil thereof
semisalnya. "(Musnad Ahmad, 3 / 18. Imam Al-Mundziri say Jayyid (good) Targhib 2 / 478). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that that meant "do not pray for any who sinned" means pray for disobedience of a sample: "Oh God destined me to be able to kill the so and so", while the so and so was not entitled to be killed or "O Allah, grant me to be able to drink rizki khamer "or" O Allah pertemukanlah I'm with a woman for adultery ". Or pray to decide silaturrahmi an example: "O Allah, I put away from the father and mother and my brother "or prayer semisalnya. Prayer is a common specialism against. Imam Al-Jazri said that the gathering could be decided not greet each other, blocking each other and not doing good with all the relatives and family. 4. Should Food and Clothing of the Halal and Good From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Radhiyallahu'anhu sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam states: "It means: A man who battered again because the old shabby traveling raised both arms to the high heavens and prayed: Lord, Lord, while the forbidden food, drink unclean, unclean clothes and flesh grew from the illicit, then how can his prayer Fulfilled.? "(Sahih Muslim, Zakat book chapters Qabulus sadaqah 3/85-86). Imam An-Nawawi said that that meant a long trip in order to worship the God like a pilgrimage, pilgrimages, formed friendships and others. In this day and age how many people who consume foods, beverages and clothing are forbidden usury either of property, gambling bribes or other property. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 7 / 100). Expert poem said. "We pray and think of prayer lifted when confronting sin and the prayer again. How do we get to prayer while facing in the course of our sins. "(Al-Azhiyah in Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 141). 5. Hurrying No Waiting Terkabulnya In Prayer From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There will be granted one request of you, while not in a hurry, ie says: I have prayed but not yet granted. "(Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Book Da'awaat 7 / 153. Sahih Muslim, book of prayer wa Dhikr 8 / 87). Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: What is meant by the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "I prayed but was not granted", Ibn Baththaal say that someone is bored pray and leaves, as if he'd bring in his prayer, or perhaps he prayed properly in accordance with the condition, but being stingy in prayer and thought Alllah not able to grant his prayer, when He Essence of the Almighty grant the prayer and never runs out of his administration. (Fath Bari 11/145). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Imam Al-Madzhari said: He who bored in pray, the prayer was not Fulfilled because prayer is worship either granted or not, someone should not be bored worship. Postponement request may not
time the prayer was granted because everything has been set when it occurred, so that everything that is not time would not be possible, or may request Fulfilled not replace prayer with God's purpose is to reward, or may so the prayer was delayed pengabulannya for that person to pray diligently for God was very pleased against those who diligently pray because prayer shows the condescending attitude, surrender and feel you need God. People often knock on the door will be opened the door and so also people who often prays his prayer will be granted. So should any of the Muslims should not be left to pray. (Mir'atul Mafatih 7 / 349). Doubtful, or doubts about God's word: "Meaning: Pray to Me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan." (Ghafir: 60).
Minutes of Prayer Collection 1. Primacy and glory of prayer 2. Praying with raised hands 3. Barriers prayer 4. The people who answered his prayer 5. Efficacious times Passages copied from books Jahalatun fid Du'a, Indonesian edition Mistake In Prayer, by Ismail bin Marsyud bin Ibrahim Al-Rumaih, published by Darul Haq, translator Zaenal Abidin, Lc.
The virtue and glory Benediction
1. Supplication is worship based on the word of God: "It means: Berdo'alah me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan. Those who boasting of worship Me will enter Hell in a state Jahannam untouchable. " (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Sheikh Taqiyuddin Subki said: What is meant prayer in the above verse is a prayer which is the petition, and the next verse 'an' ibaadatiy shows that prayer is more specific than the worship, which means that whoever is not arrogant want to worship, then definitely do not want to pray arrogant. Thus the threat directed to the person who left the prayer for pride and those who do the deed, then he has disbelieved. As for those who do not pray for some reason, it is not affected threat. Nevertheless multiply prayers remain better than leave it because the arguments that suggest quite a lot of praying. (Fath Bari 11/98). From Nu'man ibn Basyir that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: Prayer is worship", then he read the verse: "Verily, those who brag of worship Me ". (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi say: Should the hadith Nu'man in understood the meaning of language, means to pray is to show the attitude of surrender and need God, because it is not advisable worship but to surrender and subject to the Creator and to feel in need of Allah. Therefore God to end the verse with His words: "Those who were proud of worship Me." In verse These people who do not submit and surrender to God is called an arrogant people,
so has the virtue of praying in worship, and threats for those who do not want prayer is untouchable. (Fath Bari 11/98). Note: Hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is the essence of worship" (Hadith da'eef) (Didhaifkan Al-Albani, Ta'liq 'ala Misykatul Masabiih 2 / 693 No. 2231) 2. Prayer is the most noble worship with Allah, from Abu Hurayrah said: that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: There is nothing that the most noble in the sight of Allah than prayer." (Sunan At-Timidzi, chapter Benediction 12/263, Sunan Ibn Majah, ch Benediction 2 / 341 No. 3874. Musnad Ahmad 2 / 362). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the meaning of the hadith is not there something religious qauliyah (speech) is more precious in the sight of Allah than prayer, because something must compare in accordance with the substance. So the notion that prayer is worship badaniyah foremost that this is not contrary to the word of God. "It means: Verily, the most honorable among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you ". (Al-Hujurat: 13). 3. God's wrath against those who abandon prayer, based on the hadith that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: He who does not ask to God, then God will memurkainya". (Sunan At-Tirmidhi, chapter Benediction 12/267-268). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi said: "The meaning of the above hadith is he who does not ask to God, then He will anger him and vice versa very pleased when asked his servant. "(Fath Bari 11/98). Furi Imam Al-Mubarak said that the person who left the prayer means arrogant and feel do not need God. Imam At-Thaibi say that God is pleased when asked for his gift, then whoever which does not appeal to God, then is entitled to his wrath. From the above hadith indicates that the request for slave to God is a liability The most noble and most important, because to avoid the wrath of God is the one who became necessity. (Mura'atul Mashabih 7 / 358) 4. Prayer able to reject the destiny of God, based on the hadith of Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: No one can deny destiny except prayer." (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Qadar 8/305-306) Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the question is, fate is dependent on prayer and prayer could be utterly rejected because fate is a fate is not contrary to the problem
cause and effect, may be the cause of the occurrence of something happening or whether something else including destiny. An example of praying to avoid the disaster, they are God's destiny. Perhaps someone destined not affected and pray that if she prayed, probably not affected, so that prayer is like a shield and arrows like a disaster. (Mura'atul Mafatih 7/354-355). Uthaymeen Sheikh was asked: "We often hear people say: O Allah we're not begging for our destiny will be changed but we ask that the softness in the destiny. Does prayer are allowed.? "Answer: Pray like it is prohibited and unlawful because prayer can change destiny as we mentioned in the above hadith. Even people who pray like that against God and as if to say: "O Allah takdirkanlah me whatever you want but give it softness in destiny. " Should people who pray resolved in his prayer, as prayer: O God our beg Your mercy and we take refuge from the torment thee, and prayer semisalnya. When a pray to God for not altered his destiny, then what are the benefits while prayer can change destiny, and could be destiny can only be changed lantara prayer. The important prayer The above should not be and should be avoided and anyone who hears prayer like it should advise him. (Liqa 'Babul Maftuh 5/45-46)
5. People who are most vulnerable are people who are not able to pray according to the hadith of the Prophet that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: People who are weak are the people who left the prayer and the most illiberal was a stingy against the greeting ". (Al-Haitsami, book Majma 'Az-Zawaid. Thabrani, Al- Ausath. Al-Mundziri, the book At-Targhib said: isnaad Jayyid (good) and dishahihkan Al-Albani, As-or higher-lineage Ash 2/152-153 No. 601). Imam Manawi said that what is meant by 'an-naasi Ajazu are the most vulnerable minds and hearts the blind sight, and that is the Sun 'ajzin' an ad-dua'i is weak first plead with God during trouble and thus it can bring God's wrath because he left his command when praying is a very job light. (Faidhul Qadir 1 / 556). Experts say poetry. Do not ask the man, memintalah the Essence of His door is never closed. God will be angry if you did not ask him, while people angry if often requested. Poem on a refutation of the notion that better not pray. 6. Allaah commanded to pray, those who left the prayer means against the commandments of God and those who implement the means in compliance with His commands. Allaah says. "It means: And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when he pleaded
Me, then let them meet (all orders) Me, and let them believe Me, for they always are in truth ". (Al-Baqarah: 186). Shaykh Sa'di said that the verses above as an answer to the question of the companions to The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam they asked: Messenger of Allah, if God so near We pleaded with him or whisper away so we call Him shout? Then came a verse of God. (Tafsir At-Tabari and didhaifkan by Imam Ahmad 3 / 481). "And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near ". Because God is the Essence of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing on something hidden, secret and knowing eyes and change hearts content. God also close to his servant who asked for and was always able to grant the request. Then He said: "I granted the request of people who pray when he begged to Me". Prayer is two kinds of prayer worship and prayer requests. The closeness of God with His servants divided into two kinds, namely: the closeness of his knowledge with each of His creatures and closeness with His servant in giving every application, rescue and taufik to them. Anyone who prays to God with a heart that khusyu 'and pray in accordance with the rules Shari'a and there are no obstructions such as the prayer was acceptable to eat foods that are forbidden or semisalnya, God promised to grant the application. Especially when accompanied matters that cause such prayer terkabulnya fulfill the commandment of God, leaving his ban either through words or deeds and believe that prayer will be granted. So God said: "Then let them meet (all orders) and I have faith in their hedaklah Me, for they always are in truth ". It means that people who pray will be in truth is to get guidance to believe and do good deeds and to avoid crimes and atrocities. (Tafsir Al-Sa'di 1/224-225). 7. Zarkasi Imam said that the concentration in prayer and also showed a low attitude, submission, servitude and feel you need God is a most glorious worship even so it becomes legal conditions of worship. God promises to give reward people that prayer, even if not granted his prayer. 8. Praying is busied themselves to the remembrance of Allah that arise in the liver flavor exaltation of the greatness of God and wants to return to Him cease from sin. Often knocked on the door has a great opportunity to get in, so there is a saying that He who often knocked on the door, then a time will be given entry permits so that said: "Given the chance to pray better than be given something." 9. Many prayer can prevent disasters and calamities, as the word of God amazing but about the Prophet Ibrahim, Salam alaihis: "It means: And I will pray to my Lord, I hope I will not be disappointed with pray to my Lord. "(Maryam: 48) And the word of God on the Prophet Zakariya 'alaihis Salam. "It means: He said: 'My Lord, my bones were weak and my head was overgrown gray hair, and I have never been disappointed in prayer to Thee, my Lord ". ((Mary: 4) Al-Azhiyah fi Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 38-42).
10. Some people pray only once or twice and after the feeling was not granted, then stop praying. Clearly, such actions are wrong actions he should continue even repeating her prayer to God grant it. From Abu Haurairah radi 'Anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: prayer of a servant will always be granted while not pleading guilty or something termination of kin, or not in a hurry. They ask: What is the hurry? He replied: "He said, I prayed many times not granted, then he felt sorry then leave the prayer. "(Sahih Muslim, book of Dhikr wa Benediction 4 / 87). According to Imam An-Nawawi referred regret was leaving prayer. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 17/52). Then it should be a servant shall continue to pray and not be bored and felt no granted his prayer. In a speech: "I prayed many times but was not granted." Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Sheikh Al-Qari said: "What is meant by sentence is not seeing the results of my prayers. Sometimes it feels slow her prayer answered or discouraged from praying and both are reprehensible. Please note, there are certain times to terkabulnya prayer, as is narrated that prayer of Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh was destroyed by God only granted after forty years. The despair of the mercy of God is not going to happen except for those who disbelieve ". (Mura'atul Mafatih 7 / 348). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that in the above hadith there are ethics that continue to pray applied for and not despair in prayer for so it is part of the attitude of submission and surrender to God and feel the need for God, therefore some scholars salaf said: "We are more afraid to pray rather than hindered terkabulnya hindered prayer. " Imam Ad-Dawudi said: "It is feared that those who say that he always prayed but not granted then the prayer is really not granted, or really not granted suspension or remission of punishment hereafter for his sins. " Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: Know that the prayers of the faithful can not be rejected, perhaps delayed pengkabulannya better or replaced something more serious benefits than those requested both in this world or the Hereafter. Should a servant does not leave prayer to His Lord because prayer is the worship worship submission and obedience to God. "(Fath Bari 7 / 348) From Aisha radi 'anha that he said: "When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam exposed magic Jew named Lubaid bin A'sham, he said that as if Messenger of doing something while not doing so one night the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray and then pray and keep praying. "(Saheeh Muslim, Book of Greetings Magic chapter 7 / 14)
Imam An-Nawawi said that the above hadith stressed to each slave when crushed disaster or misfortune to multiply prayers and continue to submit to God. (Saheeh Syarh Muslim 7 / 14). From Ali ibn Abu Talib radi 'anhu said that when I started fighting when the war Badr me back quickly to see what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, it turns out he was prostrate and read: Dear Supreme Essence of Life and All That Eternal, O and Essence of the Most Blessed Eternal Life, then I return to fight, then I back again to where the Messenger of Allah, I met him in a state of prostration, and then I come back I then fought back to where he and I met still read the prayer so that God gives victory. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari 11/98) From Ubadah bin Saamit Radhiyallahu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There is no Muslim prays to God in the world with a request unless Allah will grant it or eliminate bad things that semisalnya thereof, while not pray something sinful or termination of kin. There was a man of a people said: If so I will multiply the (prayer). He said: '"God hears more than you ask. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fathul bari 11/98). 11. Hadith which reads. "It means: Allah loves those who earnestly in prayer." (Hadith weak hadith, Al- Albani said in Genealogy Dhaifah that this hadith false 2/96-97).
Pray with the Lifting Hand
Lifting hands in prayer is the most noble ethics and virtue noble and the cause terkabulnya prayer. From Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He is ashamed of His servants raised his hands (ask him) returned empty-not getting what what ". (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Prayer Prayer 2 / 78 No. 1488, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Prayer 13/68. Musnad Ahmad, 5 / 438. Dishahihkan Al-Albani, Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud). Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the wording Hayyun Furi comes from the wording haya 'a significant embarrassment. God has a shy nature in accordance with the majesty of His essence we have faith without describe the attribute. Kariim wording that means the Supreme Giving without being asked and be counted or the Most Gracious, Most Giving that never runs out of Him, He is the essence Gracious in mutlaq. Wording of yarudahuma shifron means empty without something. (Mur'atul Mafatih 7 / 363). From Anas Radhiyalahu 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with raised hands in prayer except Istisqa. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa '2 / 12. Saheeh Muslim, book Istisqa '3 / 24). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that the hadith does not deny the prayer by raising hands but denying the nature and particular way of raising hands during prayer, means to raise their hands in prayer istisqa 'has its own way may be by way raised his hands up high do not like when other prayers which only raised both hands parallel to the face alone. Praying with his hands up to shoulder level with the two are not contradictory with the above hadith because he never raised his hands to pray and white look armpits, then allowed to raise their hands in prayer until the visible arm, but in istisqa prayer recommended in much more than that or perhaps the prayers istisqa palms directed to the earth and in prayer otherwise directed palms to the sky. Imam Al-Mundziri said that if the case is not possible to unite the hadiths above, the opinion which states praying with raised hands closer truth because so many hadiths which establish raise their hands in prayer, as it has been called the Imam Al-Mundziri and Imam An-Nawawi in Sharh Muhadzdzab and Imam Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex. The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from 'Anger bin Ruwaibah that he saw Bishr ibn Marwan raised his hands in prayer, then deny it and then said: "I saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam no more of this as he signaled his forefinger. "
Imam At-Tabari narrated from some Salaf that disunnahkan pray with suggests the index finger. However, the above hadith occurred during Friday sermons and not means denying the hadith hadiths that advocate lifting the arms pray. (Fath Bari 11/146-147). But in this matter a mistake, some people there and not excessive never at all willing to leave his hands, and some others do not ever at all raise their hands except for special times alone, and some others in between both, meaning that raise their hands when praying which is recommended and not raised his hand at the time praying that no recommendations. Imam Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam say that it is not advisable raise their hands when reading prayers or prayer Iftitah between the two prostrations. No one haditspun a saheeh which justify that argument. Neither disunahkan not raise his hand when he read prayers and not recommended tasyahud pray raised his hand except for the times recommended by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to raise their hands. (Fataawa al-Izz bin Abdussalam things. 47). Shaikh Bin Bazz said that his hands are encouraged to pray for such a cause terkabulnya prayer, based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He's embarrassed to His servant the pick-up both hands (ask Him), He did not return empty and found nothing. "(Abu Dawud Hadith History). And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "Which means: Verily Allah does not accept unless both the good and true God instruct the believers as commanded the apostles, God said. "O ye who believe, eat of the good rizki which We have given you and give thanks to God, if it is really only to Him ye worship. "(Al-Baqarah: 172). And the word of God: "O Messengers, eat of the good food, and but do charitable deeds. Indeed I is Aware of what ye do. "(Al- Mukminuun: 51). Then he mentioned someone who raised his hands ragged towards the heavens praying: 'Yes Rabbi, Lord but his food is haraam, haram and drink unclean clothes and flesh and blood grew out of an illegitimate, how can his prayer be granted? " (Saheeh Muslim, Book of Zakat 3/85-86). Not recommended pray raise their hands when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not raised his hands in time to pray like praying at the time after the greeting from prayer, reading the prayers in between the two prostrations and read prayers before prayers and greetings from the time to pray in a sermon Friday and Eid-ul-Fitr, there was never any hadith which states that Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam raise their hands during that time. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is our role model in all things, what's left and what is being implemented all the best for his people, but if the Friday sermon preacher read a prayer istisqa ', it is recommended lifting hands in prayer as has been done by the Prophet Shallallah 'alaihi wa sallam. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa ', chapter Imam Jamaat Lifting Hands Together 2 / 21).
It is recommended that raise their hands in prayer after praying the sunnah but better do not routinely do so because the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam did not routinely perform acts and if so, then surely we find a history of his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam especially the friends always convey all his actions and words both in be a resident of a state or traveling. As for the hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is worship that requires khusyu 'and surrender, then the second lift your hand and say: Ya Rabbi, Lord. "(Hadith da'eef, Fatawa Muhimmmah things. 47 - 49). And not recommended lifting hands in prayer read thawaf because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam many times do riwayatpun thawaf no one who explained that he pray raised his hand during tawaf. The best thing is to follow the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and something The worst is to follow the act of heresy.
How to raise their hands in prayer. Ibn Abbas argues that the way his hands in prayer is the second hand appointed to align with both shoulders, and beristighfar berisyarat with one finger, while Ibtihal (istighasah) by raising both hands high. (Sunan Abu Daud, Witr chapter, chapter Prayer 2 / 79 No. 14 950. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud). Imam al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said that I saw Ibn 'Umar prayed at Al-Qashi with raised his hands to both shoulders and parallel with the palms of his hands exposed to the face. (Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari 11/147. Ascribed to Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex but no). Know that prayer Istisqa 'has two ways First. Raised both hands and directs both hands to the face, based on of Maula Abi Umair Al-Lahm that he saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed istisqa in Zait Ahjari close to Zaura 'while standing raised both his hands did not exceed above his head and directs both hands toward his face. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book Prayers chapter Yadain Raf'ul fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu David, 1 / 226 No. 1035). Both Raising the hands up high and out of direct palms toward the sky and in the palm of the hand toward the earth. From Anas that he saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray when istisqa with a raised hand high and direct the palm of the hand side in the direction of the earth to look white armpits. (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Raf'ul Prayers Yadain fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud 1 / 226 No. 1035).
Prayer barriers
Many people who pray do something that cause their prayer rejected and no granted, because of their ignorance about the terms of prayer, but if not met one of these requirements, then the prayer was not granted. The most important requirements among others. 1. Sincere As word of God. "It means: The Worship of God by purifying worship to Him." (Ghafir: 14) Ibn Kathir says that everyone should worship and pray with sincerity and menyelisihi idolaters in the way and their schools. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4 / 73) From Abdurrahman ibn Yazid that he said that Ar-Rabii 'come to' Alqamah on Friday and if I did not have her give the news to me, then 'Alqamah meet me and said: What do you think about what brought by Rabii '.? He replied: "How many people who pray, but not granted? Because God does not accept prayer except a sincere ". I say: Is not that already said? He said: Abdullah say that God does not hear the prayer someone who prays for sum'ah, riya 'and main- play but God accepts those who pray sincerely from the bottom of her heart ". (Imam al-Bukhari in Adabul simplex 2 / 65 No. 606. Dishahihkan isnaad by Al-Albani in Saheeh Adabul simplex No. 473. Nakhilah intention is iikhlas, Masma 'are those who labor to be praised atu fame). Including the requirement terkabulnya prayer is not worship and do not pray except to God. If someone besides addressing some of the worship of God is good to the Prophet or the guardian such as applying to them, then his prayer is not Fulfilled and later Hereafter including people who are losers and will dwell in Hell if he died before Jahim repent. 2 & 3. No Prayer For Something Sin or Decide silaturrahmi From Abu Sa'id that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: If a Muslim does not pray and implore the sinner or the termination of relatives except by God's will diakabulkan one of the three; will be granted his prayer or postponed for deposits in the afterlife or eliminate evil thereof
semisalnya. "(Musnad Ahmad, 3 / 18. Imam Al-Mundziri say Jayyid (good) Targhib 2 / 478). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that that meant "do not pray for any who sinned" means pray for disobedience of a sample: "Oh God destined me to be able to kill the so and so", while the so and so was not entitled to be killed or "O Allah, grant me to be able to drink rizki khamer "or" O Allah pertemukanlah I'm with a woman for adultery ". Or pray to decide silaturrahmi an example: "O Allah, I put away from the father and mother and my brother "or prayer semisalnya. Prayer is a common specialism against. Imam Al-Jazri said that the gathering could be decided not greet each other, blocking each other and not doing good with all the relatives and family. 4. Should Food and Clothing of the Halal and Good From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Radhiyallahu'anhu sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam states: "It means: A man who battered again because the old shabby traveling raised both arms to the high heavens and prayed: Lord, Lord, while the forbidden food, drink unclean, unclean clothes and flesh grew from the illicit, then how can his prayer Fulfilled.? "(Sahih Muslim, Zakat book chapters Qabulus sadaqah 3/85-86). Imam An-Nawawi said that that meant a long trip in order to worship the God like a pilgrimage, pilgrimages, formed friendships and others. In this day and age how many people who consume foods, beverages and clothing are forbidden usury either of property, gambling bribes or other property. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 7 / 100). Expert poem said. "We pray and think of prayer lifted when confronting sin and the prayer again. How do we get to prayer while facing in the course of our sins. "(Al-Azhiyah in Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 141). 5. Hurrying No Waiting Terkabulnya In Prayer From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There will be granted one request of you, while not in a hurry, ie says: I have prayed but not yet granted. "(Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Book Da'awaat 7 / 153. Sahih Muslim, book of prayer wa Dhikr 8 / 87). Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: What is meant by the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "I prayed but was not granted", Ibn Baththaal say that someone is bored pray and leaves, as if he'd bring in his prayer, or perhaps he prayed properly in accordance with the condition, but being stingy in prayer and thought Alllah not able to grant his prayer, when He Essence of the Almighty grant the prayer and never runs out of his administration. (Fath Bari 11/145). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Imam Al-Madzhari said: He who bored in pray, the prayer was not Fulfilled because prayer is worship either granted or not, someone should not be bored worship. Postponement request may not
time the prayer was granted because everything has been set when it occurred, so that everything that is not time would not be possible, or may request Fulfilled not replace prayer with God's purpose is to reward, or may so the prayer was delayed pengabulannya for that person to pray diligently for God was very pleased against those who diligently pray because prayer shows the condescending attitude, surrender and feel you need God. People often knock on the door will be opened the door and so also people who often prays his prayer will be granted. So should any of the Muslims should not be left to pray. (Mir'atul Mafatih 7 / 349). Doubtful, or doubts about God's word: "Meaning: Pray to Me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan." (Ghafir: 60).
GROUP Minutes of prayer
Minutes of Prayer Collection 1. Primacy and glory of prayer 2. Praying with raised hands 3. Barriers prayer 4. The people who answered his prayer 5. Efficacious times Passages copied from books Jahalatun fid Du'a, Indonesian edition Mistake In Prayer, by Ismail bin Marsyud bin Ibrahim Al-Rumaih, published by Darul Haq, translator Zaenal Abidin, Lc.
The virtue and glory Benediction
1. Supplication is worship based on the word of God: "It means: Berdo'alah me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan. Those who boasting of worship Me will enter Hell in a state Jahannam untouchable. " (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Sheikh Taqiyuddin Subki said: What is meant prayer in the above verse is a prayer which is the petition, and the next verse 'an' ibaadatiy shows that prayer is more specific than the worship, which means that whoever is not arrogant want to worship, then definitely do not want to pray arrogant. Thus the threat directed to the person who left the prayer for pride and those who do the deed, then he has disbelieved. As for those who do not pray for some reason, it is not affected threat. Nevertheless multiply prayers remain better than leave it because the arguments that suggest quite a lot of praying. (Fath Bari 11/98). From Nu'man ibn Basyir that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: Prayer is worship", then he read the verse: "Verily, those who brag of worship Me ". (Ghafir: 60). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi say: Should the hadith Nu'man in understood the meaning of language, means to pray is to show the attitude of surrender and need God, because it is not advisable worship but to surrender and subject to the Creator and to feel in need of Allah. Therefore God to end the verse with His words: "Those who were proud of worship Me." In verse These people who do not submit and surrender to God is called an arrogant people,
so has the virtue of praying in worship, and threats for those who do not want prayer is untouchable. (Fath Bari 11/98). Note: Hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is the essence of worship" (Hadith da'eef) (Didhaifkan Al-Albani, Ta'liq 'ala Misykatul Masabiih 2 / 693 No. 2231) 2. Prayer is the most noble worship with Allah, from Abu Hurayrah said: that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It means: There is nothing that the most noble in the sight of Allah than prayer." (Sunan At-Timidzi, chapter Benediction 12/263, Sunan Ibn Majah, ch Benediction 2 / 341 No. 3874. Musnad Ahmad 2 / 362). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the meaning of the hadith is not there something religious qauliyah (speech) is more precious in the sight of Allah than prayer, because something must compare in accordance with the substance. So the notion that prayer is worship badaniyah foremost that this is not contrary to the word of God. "It means: Verily, the most honorable among you in Allah's sight are the most pious among you ". (Al-Hujurat: 13). 3. God's wrath against those who abandon prayer, based on the hadith that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: He who does not ask to God, then God will memurkainya". (Sunan At-Tirmidhi, chapter Benediction 12/267-268). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that Imam At-Thaibi said: "The meaning of the above hadith is he who does not ask to God, then He will anger him and vice versa very pleased when asked his servant. "(Fath Bari 11/98). Furi Imam Al-Mubarak said that the person who left the prayer means arrogant and feel do not need God. Imam At-Thaibi say that God is pleased when asked for his gift, then whoever which does not appeal to God, then is entitled to his wrath. From the above hadith indicates that the request for slave to God is a liability The most noble and most important, because to avoid the wrath of God is the one who became necessity. (Mura'atul Mashabih 7 / 358) 4. Prayer able to reject the destiny of God, based on the hadith of Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: No one can deny destiny except prayer." (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Qadar 8/305-306) Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the question is, fate is dependent on prayer and prayer could be utterly rejected because fate is a fate is not contrary to the problem
cause and effect, may be the cause of the occurrence of something happening or whether something else including destiny. An example of praying to avoid the disaster, they are God's destiny. Perhaps someone destined not affected and pray that if she prayed, probably not affected, so that prayer is like a shield and arrows like a disaster. (Mura'atul Mafatih 7/354-355). Uthaymeen Sheikh was asked: "We often hear people say: O Allah we're not begging for our destiny will be changed but we ask that the softness in the destiny. Does prayer are allowed.? "Answer: Pray like it is prohibited and unlawful because prayer can change destiny as we mentioned in the above hadith. Even people who pray like that against God and as if to say: "O Allah takdirkanlah me whatever you want but give it softness in destiny. " Should people who pray resolved in his prayer, as prayer: O God our beg Your mercy and we take refuge from the torment thee, and prayer semisalnya. When a pray to God for not altered his destiny, then what are the benefits while prayer can change destiny, and could be destiny can only be changed lantara prayer. The important prayer The above should not be and should be avoided and anyone who hears prayer like it should advise him. (Liqa 'Babul Maftuh 5/45-46)
5. People who are most vulnerable are people who are not able to pray according to the hadith of the Prophet that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: People who are weak are the people who left the prayer and the most illiberal was a stingy against the greeting ". (Al-Haitsami, book Majma 'Az-Zawaid. Thabrani, Al- Ausath. Al-Mundziri, the book At-Targhib said: isnaad Jayyid (good) and dishahihkan Al-Albani, As-or higher-lineage Ash 2/152-153 No. 601). Imam Manawi said that what is meant by 'an-naasi Ajazu are the most vulnerable minds and hearts the blind sight, and that is the Sun 'ajzin' an ad-dua'i is weak first plead with God during trouble and thus it can bring God's wrath because he left his command when praying is a very job light. (Faidhul Qadir 1 / 556). Experts say poetry. Do not ask the man, memintalah the Essence of His door is never closed. God will be angry if you did not ask him, while people angry if often requested. Poem on a refutation of the notion that better not pray. 6. Allaah commanded to pray, those who left the prayer means against the commandments of God and those who implement the means in compliance with His commands. Allaah says. "It means: And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near. I granted the request of people who pray when he pleaded
Me, then let them meet (all orders) Me, and let them believe Me, for they always are in truth ". (Al-Baqarah: 186). Shaykh Sa'di said that the verses above as an answer to the question of the companions to The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam they asked: Messenger of Allah, if God so near We pleaded with him or whisper away so we call Him shout? Then came a verse of God. (Tafsir At-Tabari and didhaifkan by Imam Ahmad 3 / 481). "And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then (answer), I am near ". Because God is the Essence of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Seeing on something hidden, secret and knowing eyes and change hearts content. God also close to his servant who asked for and was always able to grant the request. Then He said: "I granted the request of people who pray when he begged to Me". Prayer is two kinds of prayer worship and prayer requests. The closeness of God with His servants divided into two kinds, namely: the closeness of his knowledge with each of His creatures and closeness with His servant in giving every application, rescue and taufik to them. Anyone who prays to God with a heart that khusyu 'and pray in accordance with the rules Shari'a and there are no obstructions such as the prayer was acceptable to eat foods that are forbidden or semisalnya, God promised to grant the application. Especially when accompanied matters that cause such prayer terkabulnya fulfill the commandment of God, leaving his ban either through words or deeds and believe that prayer will be granted. So God said: "Then let them meet (all orders) and I have faith in their hedaklah Me, for they always are in truth ". It means that people who pray will be in truth is to get guidance to believe and do good deeds and to avoid crimes and atrocities. (Tafsir Al-Sa'di 1/224-225). 7. Zarkasi Imam said that the concentration in prayer and also showed a low attitude, submission, servitude and feel you need God is a most glorious worship even so it becomes legal conditions of worship. God promises to give reward people that prayer, even if not granted his prayer. 8. Praying is busied themselves to the remembrance of Allah that arise in the liver flavor exaltation of the greatness of God and wants to return to Him cease from sin. Often knocked on the door has a great opportunity to get in, so there is a saying that He who often knocked on the door, then a time will be given entry permits so that said: "Given the chance to pray better than be given something." 9. Many prayer can prevent disasters and calamities, as the word of God amazing but about the Prophet Ibrahim, Salam alaihis: "It means: And I will pray to my Lord, I hope I will not be disappointed with pray to my Lord. "(Maryam: 48) And the word of God on the Prophet Zakariya 'alaihis Salam. "It means: He said: 'My Lord, my bones were weak and my head was overgrown gray hair, and I have never been disappointed in prayer to Thee, my Lord ". ((Mary: 4) Al-Azhiyah fi Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 38-42).
10. Some people pray only once or twice and after the feeling was not granted, then stop praying. Clearly, such actions are wrong actions he should continue even repeating her prayer to God grant it. From Abu Haurairah radi 'Anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: prayer of a servant will always be granted while not pleading guilty or something termination of kin, or not in a hurry. They ask: What is the hurry? He replied: "He said, I prayed many times not granted, then he felt sorry then leave the prayer. "(Sahih Muslim, book of Dhikr wa Benediction 4 / 87). According to Imam An-Nawawi referred regret was leaving prayer. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 17/52). Then it should be a servant shall continue to pray and not be bored and felt no granted his prayer. In a speech: "I prayed many times but was not granted." Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Sheikh Al-Qari said: "What is meant by sentence is not seeing the results of my prayers. Sometimes it feels slow her prayer answered or discouraged from praying and both are reprehensible. Please note, there are certain times to terkabulnya prayer, as is narrated that prayer of Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh was destroyed by God only granted after forty years. The despair of the mercy of God is not going to happen except for those who disbelieve ". (Mura'atul Mafatih 7 / 348). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that in the above hadith there are ethics that continue to pray applied for and not despair in prayer for so it is part of the attitude of submission and surrender to God and feel the need for God, therefore some scholars salaf said: "We are more afraid to pray rather than hindered terkabulnya hindered prayer. " Imam Ad-Dawudi said: "It is feared that those who say that he always prayed but not granted then the prayer is really not granted, or really not granted suspension or remission of punishment hereafter for his sins. " Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said: Know that the prayers of the faithful can not be rejected, perhaps delayed pengkabulannya better or replaced something more serious benefits than those requested both in this world or the Hereafter. Should a servant does not leave prayer to His Lord because prayer is the worship worship submission and obedience to God. "(Fath Bari 7 / 348) From Aisha radi 'anha that he said: "When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam exposed magic Jew named Lubaid bin A'sham, he said that as if Messenger of doing something while not doing so one night the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray and then pray and keep praying. "(Saheeh Muslim, Book of Greetings Magic chapter 7 / 14)
Imam An-Nawawi said that the above hadith stressed to each slave when crushed disaster or misfortune to multiply prayers and continue to submit to God. (Saheeh Syarh Muslim 7 / 14). From Ali ibn Abu Talib radi 'anhu said that when I started fighting when the war Badr me back quickly to see what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, it turns out he was prostrate and read: Dear Supreme Essence of Life and All That Eternal, O and Essence of the Most Blessed Eternal Life, then I return to fight, then I back again to where the Messenger of Allah, I met him in a state of prostration, and then I come back I then fought back to where he and I met still read the prayer so that God gives victory. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan Ibn Hajar in Fathul Bari 11/98) From Ubadah bin Saamit Radhiyallahu'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There is no Muslim prays to God in the world with a request unless Allah will grant it or eliminate bad things that semisalnya thereof, while not pray something sinful or termination of kin. There was a man of a people said: If so I will multiply the (prayer). He said: '"God hears more than you ask. "(Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter 13/78 Prayer. Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fathul bari 11/98). 11. Hadith which reads. "It means: Allah loves those who earnestly in prayer." (Hadith weak hadith, Al- Albani said in Genealogy Dhaifah that this hadith false 2/96-97).
Pray with the Lifting Hand
Lifting hands in prayer is the most noble ethics and virtue noble and the cause terkabulnya prayer. From Salman Al-Farisi radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He is ashamed of His servants raised his hands (ask him) returned empty-not getting what what ". (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Prayer Prayer 2 / 78 No. 1488, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, chapter Prayer 13/68. Musnad Ahmad, 5 / 438. Dishahihkan Al-Albani, Sahih Sunan Abu Dawud). Shaykh al-Mubarak said that the wording Hayyun Furi comes from the wording haya 'a significant embarrassment. God has a shy nature in accordance with the majesty of His essence we have faith without describe the attribute. Kariim wording that means the Supreme Giving without being asked and be counted or the Most Gracious, Most Giving that never runs out of Him, He is the essence Gracious in mutlaq. Wording of yarudahuma shifron means empty without something. (Mur'atul Mafatih 7 / 363). From Anas Radhiyalahu 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with raised hands in prayer except Istisqa. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa '2 / 12. Saheeh Muslim, book Istisqa '3 / 24). Imam Hafiz Ibn Hajar said that the hadith does not deny the prayer by raising hands but denying the nature and particular way of raising hands during prayer, means to raise their hands in prayer istisqa 'has its own way may be by way raised his hands up high do not like when other prayers which only raised both hands parallel to the face alone. Praying with his hands up to shoulder level with the two are not contradictory with the above hadith because he never raised his hands to pray and white look armpits, then allowed to raise their hands in prayer until the visible arm, but in istisqa prayer recommended in much more than that or perhaps the prayers istisqa palms directed to the earth and in prayer otherwise directed palms to the sky. Imam Al-Mundziri said that if the case is not possible to unite the hadiths above, the opinion which states praying with raised hands closer truth because so many hadiths which establish raise their hands in prayer, as it has been called the Imam Al-Mundziri and Imam An-Nawawi in Sharh Muhadzdzab and Imam Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex. The hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from 'Anger bin Ruwaibah that he saw Bishr ibn Marwan raised his hands in prayer, then deny it and then said: "I saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam no more of this as he signaled his forefinger. "
Imam At-Tabari narrated from some Salaf that disunnahkan pray with suggests the index finger. However, the above hadith occurred during Friday sermons and not means denying the hadith hadiths that advocate lifting the arms pray. (Fath Bari 11/146-147). But in this matter a mistake, some people there and not excessive never at all willing to leave his hands, and some others do not ever at all raise their hands except for special times alone, and some others in between both, meaning that raise their hands when praying which is recommended and not raised his hand at the time praying that no recommendations. Imam Al-'Izz bin Abdussalam say that it is not advisable raise their hands when reading prayers or prayer Iftitah between the two prostrations. No one haditspun a saheeh which justify that argument. Neither disunahkan not raise his hand when he read prayers and not recommended tasyahud pray raised his hand except for the times recommended by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to raise their hands. (Fataawa al-Izz bin Abdussalam things. 47). Shaikh Bin Bazz said that his hands are encouraged to pray for such a cause terkabulnya prayer, based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "It means: Verily your Lord, Most Venerable Maha Life, He's embarrassed to His servant the pick-up both hands (ask Him), He did not return empty and found nothing. "(Abu Dawud Hadith History). And the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "Which means: Verily Allah does not accept unless both the good and true God instruct the believers as commanded the apostles, God said. "O ye who believe, eat of the good rizki which We have given you and give thanks to God, if it is really only to Him ye worship. "(Al-Baqarah: 172). And the word of God: "O Messengers, eat of the good food, and but do charitable deeds. Indeed I is Aware of what ye do. "(Al- Mukminuun: 51). Then he mentioned someone who raised his hands ragged towards the heavens praying: 'Yes Rabbi, Lord but his food is haraam, haram and drink unclean clothes and flesh and blood grew out of an illegitimate, how can his prayer be granted? " (Saheeh Muslim, Book of Zakat 3/85-86). Not recommended pray raise their hands when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not raised his hands in time to pray like praying at the time after the greeting from prayer, reading the prayers in between the two prostrations and read prayers before prayers and greetings from the time to pray in a sermon Friday and Eid-ul-Fitr, there was never any hadith which states that Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam raise their hands during that time. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is our role model in all things, what's left and what is being implemented all the best for his people, but if the Friday sermon preacher read a prayer istisqa ', it is recommended lifting hands in prayer as has been done by the Prophet Shallallah 'alaihi wa sallam. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, chapter Istisqa ', chapter Imam Jamaat Lifting Hands Together 2 / 21).
It is recommended that raise their hands in prayer after praying the sunnah but better do not routinely do so because the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam did not routinely perform acts and if so, then surely we find a history of his sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam especially the friends always convey all his actions and words both in be a resident of a state or traveling. As for the hadith which reads: "It means: Prayer is worship that requires khusyu 'and surrender, then the second lift your hand and say: Ya Rabbi, Lord. "(Hadith da'eef, Fatawa Muhimmmah things. 47 - 49). And not recommended lifting hands in prayer read thawaf because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam many times do riwayatpun thawaf no one who explained that he pray raised his hand during tawaf. The best thing is to follow the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and something The worst is to follow the act of heresy.
How to raise their hands in prayer. Ibn Abbas argues that the way his hands in prayer is the second hand appointed to align with both shoulders, and beristighfar berisyarat with one finger, while Ibtihal (istighasah) by raising both hands high. (Sunan Abu Daud, Witr chapter, chapter Prayer 2 / 79 No. 14 950. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud). Imam al-Qasim ibn Muhammad said that I saw Ibn 'Umar prayed at Al-Qashi with raised his hands to both shoulders and parallel with the palms of his hands exposed to the face. (Dishahihkan by Ibn Hajar in Fath Bari 11/147. Ascribed to Al-Bukhari in the book Adabul simplex but no). Know that prayer Istisqa 'has two ways First. Raised both hands and directs both hands to the face, based on of Maula Abi Umair Al-Lahm that he saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed istisqa in Zait Ahjari close to Zaura 'while standing raised both his hands did not exceed above his head and directs both hands toward his face. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book Prayers chapter Yadain Raf'ul fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu David, 1 / 226 No. 1035). Both Raising the hands up high and out of direct palms toward the sky and in the palm of the hand toward the earth. From Anas that he saw the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray when istisqa with a raised hand high and direct the palm of the hand side in the direction of the earth to look white armpits. (Sunan Abu Dawud, book chapters Raf'ul Prayers Yadain fil Istisqa '1 / 303 No. 1168. Dishahihkan by Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Daud 1 / 226 No. 1035).
Prayer barriers
Many people who pray do something that cause their prayer rejected and no granted, because of their ignorance about the terms of prayer, but if not met one of these requirements, then the prayer was not granted. The most important requirements among others. 1. Sincere As word of God. "It means: The Worship of God by purifying worship to Him." (Ghafir: 14) Ibn Kathir says that everyone should worship and pray with sincerity and menyelisihi idolaters in the way and their schools. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4 / 73) From Abdurrahman ibn Yazid that he said that Ar-Rabii 'come to' Alqamah on Friday and if I did not have her give the news to me, then 'Alqamah meet me and said: What do you think about what brought by Rabii '.? He replied: "How many people who pray, but not granted? Because God does not accept prayer except a sincere ". I say: Is not that already said? He said: Abdullah say that God does not hear the prayer someone who prays for sum'ah, riya 'and main- play but God accepts those who pray sincerely from the bottom of her heart ". (Imam al-Bukhari in Adabul simplex 2 / 65 No. 606. Dishahihkan isnaad by Al-Albani in Saheeh Adabul simplex No. 473. Nakhilah intention is iikhlas, Masma 'are those who labor to be praised atu fame). Including the requirement terkabulnya prayer is not worship and do not pray except to God. If someone besides addressing some of the worship of God is good to the Prophet or the guardian such as applying to them, then his prayer is not Fulfilled and later Hereafter including people who are losers and will dwell in Hell if he died before Jahim repent. 2 & 3. No Prayer For Something Sin or Decide silaturrahmi From Abu Sa'id that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: If a Muslim does not pray and implore the sinner or the termination of relatives except by God's will diakabulkan one of the three; will be granted his prayer or postponed for deposits in the afterlife or eliminate evil thereof
semisalnya. "(Musnad Ahmad, 3 / 18. Imam Al-Mundziri say Jayyid (good) Targhib 2 / 478). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that that meant "do not pray for any who sinned" means pray for disobedience of a sample: "Oh God destined me to be able to kill the so and so", while the so and so was not entitled to be killed or "O Allah, grant me to be able to drink rizki khamer "or" O Allah pertemukanlah I'm with a woman for adultery ". Or pray to decide silaturrahmi an example: "O Allah, I put away from the father and mother and my brother "or prayer semisalnya. Prayer is a common specialism against. Imam Al-Jazri said that the gathering could be decided not greet each other, blocking each other and not doing good with all the relatives and family. 4. Should Food and Clothing of the Halal and Good From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Radhiyallahu'anhu sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam states: "It means: A man who battered again because the old shabby traveling raised both arms to the high heavens and prayed: Lord, Lord, while the forbidden food, drink unclean, unclean clothes and flesh grew from the illicit, then how can his prayer Fulfilled.? "(Sahih Muslim, Zakat book chapters Qabulus sadaqah 3/85-86). Imam An-Nawawi said that that meant a long trip in order to worship the God like a pilgrimage, pilgrimages, formed friendships and others. In this day and age how many people who consume foods, beverages and clothing are forbidden usury either of property, gambling bribes or other property. (Saheeh Muslim Syarh 7 / 100). Expert poem said. "We pray and think of prayer lifted when confronting sin and the prayer again. How do we get to prayer while facing in the course of our sins. "(Al-Azhiyah in Ahkamil Ad'iyah things. 141). 5. Hurrying No Waiting Terkabulnya In Prayer From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said. "It means: There will be granted one request of you, while not in a hurry, ie says: I have prayed but not yet granted. "(Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Book Da'awaat 7 / 153. Sahih Muslim, book of prayer wa Dhikr 8 / 87). Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said: What is meant by the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "I prayed but was not granted", Ibn Baththaal say that someone is bored pray and leaves, as if he'd bring in his prayer, or perhaps he prayed properly in accordance with the condition, but being stingy in prayer and thought Alllah not able to grant his prayer, when He Essence of the Almighty grant the prayer and never runs out of his administration. (Fath Bari 11/145). Furi Shaykh al-Mubarak said that Imam Al-Madzhari said: He who bored in pray, the prayer was not Fulfilled because prayer is worship either granted or not, someone should not be bored worship. Postponement request may not
time the prayer was granted because everything has been set when it occurred, so that everything that is not time would not be possible, or may request Fulfilled not replace prayer with God's purpose is to reward, or may so the prayer was delayed pengabulannya for that person to pray diligently for God was very pleased against those who diligently pray because prayer shows the condescending attitude, surrender and feel you need God. People often knock on the door will be opened the door and so also people who often prays his prayer will be granted. So should any of the Muslims should not be left to pray. (Mir'atul Mafatih 7 / 349). Doubtful, or doubts about God's word: "Meaning: Pray to Me, you will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan." (Ghafir: 60).
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